
If not liking a movie and expressing criticism is considered hate speech then I recommend avoiding the internet entirely. 

Ok let’s give one a shot.

I’m starting to feel like we’re getting to a point where nothing is allowed. I mean, the context here, for example. She isn’t making fun of black people in any way. She’s trying to remain true to the character, who happens to be black. It would be one thing if she had done something deliberately offensive, but she’s

Not really clear when they do it on April Fool’s Day.

My /s isn’t missing — only because I feel too confident that the wise folks on this site know irony without having to be explicitly hand-held.

I, for one, hope this puts to rest the canard that ICE is composed solely of racist goons with supremacist vendettas. I mean this guy is British.

This is wild since no one knew 21 Savage was British and everyone thought he was born and raised in Atlanta. 

They’re fighting back against a shitty move. Publishers need to know which lines to cross and which not to. Would you have wanted EA to have had no push-back from turning Battlefront 2 into a Pay-to-Win game with lootboxes? The majority of gamers didn’t want their product to be that way so they pushed back.

Since the new film is supposed to take place in the same universe as the original movie, why would they need to consult anyone from Feig’s reboot?  It would be like the cast from the Andrew Garfield Spiderman movies getting pissed that no one contacted them in regards to the Tom Holland stuff.  They’re in two

That Ghostbusters reboot was baaaddddd.

My son and I did an episode of Minecraft together. It was fun teasing him about his choices. He had a great time with it. 

St Louis resents that multicultural swipe! We’ve been more diverse than NYC or anywhere else for a long time.

Oh, you’ve changed my opinion. 

A meta-narrative about a character’s lack of choice where ultimately the one doing the choosing has no choice.

It’s brilliant.

I believe TIDZIK was accurately pointing out that your article was quite critical. Whether or not you are shorting Tesla, perhaps your headline could have read, “Musk Unveils Loop-Tunnel, Minimum Viable Product — More Work Ahead” — it’s easy to see what this can develop into. It’s a shame Elon has allowed everything

Clearly, the “author” is short on Tesla. For this being a mile long *test* tunnel built for under $10M in under two years, this is a fine achievement. Emphasis on it being a mile long. How does one expect acceleration to and deceleration from 100-150 mph in such a short distance? Does the “author” want to die on

At this point, the only question is whether they’re apocalyptically stupid and genuinely think that if they ditch the “undesirable” 90% of their userbase then new people will simply flow in to replace them (presumably attracted by the total lack of content or people)...

the site will use programs taught by humans to identify and flag content

I agree, and I’d add that: in my observation, fantasy and science fiction gets away with not addressing sexual assault even more than realist dramas. In the comments of any article you’ll see, “it is allegory” or “it was his biological imperative to implant his eggs” or “he was a ghost, it wasn’t really rape.” Most of

No, they are saying if you are going to depict sexual assault, then you need to acknowledge that it’s sexual assault. Charmed didn’t.