
I don’t know if I’d want this. I’d just fuck it up. At this point it belongs behind glass in a sterilized room.

This is why we need to bring back the Teamsters - when trucking was a union job, it was a good job.

“car breaking to the left in the middle of a” 

That’s how I learned it at Crystal Cave in the ’80s!

ground stalags

I was taught “you must hold on tight to a stalactite or you might fall on a stalagmite”

Or stalaGmites Grow up from the floor and stalaCtites Cling to the ceiling.

Makes sense...I just figured there’d be a fancy scientific name, which there is (stalagnate), but according to that link it’s fallen out of style, in favor of just calling them pillars.


So, when one has grown long enough that it spans from ceiling to floor - what is it called then?

Someone tell that to my employer, because we have a bunch of engineering jobs that we can’t find qualified candidates for so they have remained open for some time now. There is really a shortage of workers for many white-collar jobs in certain areas!

Or more simply G for ground and C for ceiling

There are a number of reasons for this, including decreased access to jobs that pay enough to afford children and the insane increase in the cost of raising children in America.

Elon has a plan

This is what happens when smart people hang out with too many smart people. They think they have any grasp on humanity’s biological drive. I get populations leveling off and falling birth rates, but the extrapolating from that a downward spiral that will continue ignores the fact that lots of shit happens. Wars,

Oh the jobs are there, you just need to have 32 years of experience and 4 degrees.

Also they aren’t hiring anyone over 30.

That’s how I learned it

I was taught “stalagmites “might” hang from the ceiling. But they don’t.”

The different sayings people use to remember the same concepts always fascinates me. I always knew this as stalaGmites = Ground and stalaCtites = Ceiling.

Stalactite = ceiling