Take your damn star for getting that song stuck in my head!
Take your damn star for getting that song stuck in my head!
I’m not gonna lie. I’m pretty geeked out right now that I beat you to it by a matter of a couple seconds. Anyone else wouldn’t be a big deal.
As a single dad to two little girls, thank you. Here’s your star.
“So what can I say except “You’re welcome”” —Dwayne Johnson
Sometimes outside car thermometers are so inaccurate that they feel like random number generators. They’re basically the worst feature of the car, next to the car’s infotainment systems. That’s because [...] they’re actually thermistors.
I compare the outside air temp reading on my 2016 Dodge Grand Caravan with various outside signs, like banks and others that give the current temp. As long as it is +/- five degrees Fahrenheit I figure it’s in the ballpark. And of course only once I have been moving a bit to make sure I’m getting a true reading.
The definition of autopilot isn’t something that takes full control. That would be an autonomous car. Autopilot is something that reduces driver workload, like autopilot on an aircraft.
While I sympathize with Brown’s family, he was asking for this to happen. His YouTube videos show a clear disregard for safety and a growing urge to push Autopilot 1 to its limits, getting in WAY too many documented near misses in shorter and short spaces of time. He began to trust it too much, and see “what he could…
Trucks became mainstream.
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Ok but what if — now here me out before you dismiss this — what if we chained together several of your “Super SUVs” and put the rails underground.
This is the Thinkfluencing we need! Not that Silicon Valley stuff.
But the more people that ride the bus, the better it gets. When fewer people ride the bus, it sucks more.
Cut me in and I will TOTALLY REVOLUTIONIZE your idea -
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
oh right, pay a premium so you don’t have to deal a certain *wink wink* part of the population. we get ya.
I have this great idea. We’re going to get vehicles, much like an SUV, but bigger. Now this vehicle will be able to hold many, upon many people, including standing stations. Now this large vehicle is going to run on predetermined routes, at predetermined times. People can find the time and route on their Lyft app. I’m…
It’s....complicated. You’re now getting into the intrinsic of what a “stream” is. Is this REALLY live? Or is there a (quasi-reasonable) delay, which is factored into your scaling?
If you go truly live, then, yes, you may have a point. Which raises the question: was that the right answer for distribution of this…
Fox Sports is not what is in charge of managing the official FIA/WEC stream.
Fox is, at best, an American television company that occasionally shares international motorsport...on American television.
FIA/WEC managed this themselves. Which is my point — if you’re gonna pull off something of this magnitude, you better…