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    GT4 is a fantastic series to watch. And sounds like it’s getting better and better!

    That’s...not even remotely close to a Christian message. Got a source for that?

    It’s a technology issue. Sprint and Verizon use the older CDMA; everyone else uses GSM, which is pretty much the standard everywhere else in the world.

    It can be done:

    When I drove rallies back around the turn of the century, we had a team in Washington running a classic Beetle. It was awesome, and I was jealous.

    Roof-mounted spotlights were extremely common back on 50's & 60's rally cars.

    Missed opportunity to use an Aztek. Front or rear, doesn’t matter.

    I think you’re on the money. I thought Escape at first as well. The high-mount center stoplight has a gap between it and the roof (it appears) in the still image, which rules out Highlander and Aspen. You make a great point about the badge, it does appear to come down into the license plate area like the Mercury.

    That was my takeaway as well, although I think the parents were going to pound him to a bloody pulp, rather than shoot him.

    I was surprised at my mom. She got one of these calls and, all on her own, just said “I use Linux.” (she doesn’t, she’s a Mac user)

    Guess that makes my MG a HAV Not.

    The Rim Of The World rally used to start from there. It was a good event, even if I did roll and damage every single body panel the second time I ran it...

    That’s FWD mantra, too. Actually, back in my rally days, I heard it as the FWD mantra first. But it applies to both.

    Looks like lift off oversteer, where you lift off the throttle mid-corner and you end up with a sudden weight transfer. It’s a great way to get FWD rally cars around corners (when it’s not prudent to pull the handbrake, which I typically only do on the really tight hairpins).

    I’ll have to go dig into that New York Times article, but just an FYI, they’ve had that notebook for years; it’s not a new piece of information, unless they’ve somehow managed to discover more about it’s contents. They did a pretty thorough review of it when they received it; it was pretty interesting to read about.

    Who makes a spreadsheet and then doesn’t bother sorting it by anything before publishing it?

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    12,173 sq foot house to replace it? I’d expect something better from Clarkson. Like Colin Furze did with his bunker.

    I had a friend ask me the same question. In response, we had a race. From a ‘normal’ position (phone in pocket, hands at your side), he said “go” and we both went for our clocks. I knew the time right away, because I just had to glance at my watch. He had to fumble in his pocket, grab his phone out, turn it on, then

    I had a friend ask me the same question. In response, we had a race. From a ‘normal’ position (phone in pocket,

    Seiko 5 all the way. A watchmaker I know sites it as his ‘best bang for the buck modern mechanical watch.’ And if you can’t trust a guy who repairs mechanical watches for a living, who can you trust?

    Seiko 5 all the way. A watchmaker I know sites it as his ‘best bang for the buck modern mechanical watch.’ And if

    Your cars are too new.