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    ...the novelty of driving on the beach without a permit

    ... on Google+, which BREAKING NEWS is apparently still a thing

    What do I want to know? Easy:


    Oh yeah, I’m right there with you. Every day I say “why do I come back here?”

    Watch the video again, and read the article. Officer Stacy was exiting his patrol car with the intent to lay down spike strips (note how he doesn’t have his weapon as he exits). As soon as he stepped out, he realized that Ms Bunsey was headed at him, and spike strips weren’t going to happen. He also realized that

    You need to have an Abbey’s pizza, or head to Lincoln City, OR, and get some Gallucci’s!

    How to find out how much the land is worth is easy — just ask Putin how much he’d buy it for. Tell the US Government that they have an offer on the table, and if they want it, they should beat it.

    Hey, it’s passing a Miata! No, wait, the Miata is passing it. Carry on.

    The Infiniti QX80 is like waking up on a Monday then realizing you bought a porpoise.

    Only if you want to straighten it out. He wanted the drift to stay a bit longer.

    Was watching that thinking “these would be great at Dakar.”

    This shop looks like it’s filled with treasures...

    Yeah, that seems like a more serious infraction...


    More likely what you’ll see (what we’re already starting to see) is other manufacturers licensing the Tesla technology for their own cars. It’ll likely be one of those manufacturers putting out a sub-$25k car, rather than Tesla. Tesla has positioned itself as a premium auto maker, so a $25k car doesn’t fit their model

    That’s not how this works. With all new technology, it’s expensive to produce until the economy of scale kicks in. Someone has to fund the development so that it gets cheap enough for folks like you and me to afford it, and I’m happy to let those rich fools do so. They’re beta (and sometimes alpha) testing future

    The irony is that most folks who shout about “clean energy” freak out at the thought of a nuclear power plant, despite it being (a) extremely clean, (b) extremely safe, and (c) extremely efficient.