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    Yeah, but I bet daddy would have bought him a newer Ferrari to drive while this one was in the shop. I mean, it’s not like he had any other transportation options...

    Wow, I forgot about this one. I have it on CD somewhere around here...

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    Sarah Jarosz is pretty dang good on her own, too.

    Every time I see a news story start with “America” or “Americans”, Bernie jumps to my mind.

    My friends father was fortunate enough to take delivery of his Hellcat Challenger about a month ago. Man that thing sounds nice.

    When I bought my ‘46 Dodge pickup, I had to drive it home, about 2.5 hours away. It didn’t come with belts, as they weren’t required back then and hadn’t been retrofitted. It was very uncomfortable.

    So you’d like to double her entendre?

    A number of years ago, my wife and I determined we needed a pickup. But we didn’t want a boring pickup. The result was a ‘46 Dodge WC, running and driving (with a new braking system and new tires) for $2300. I love that truck.

    Bear says “Hey, nice wheels on that Chevy! Are those aluminum?”

    > If you don’t need a car, why not keep the cash?

    It looks cool, and I’ve no doubt it works awesome. I’ll pick one up one day.

    It looks cool, and I’ve no doubt it works awesome. I’ll pick one up one day.

    I’ll have this one! The coupe is so sexy. But they’ve been out of my disposable income price range for 20 years, and while my income keeps going up, it hasn’t matched the rate increase on the coupe!

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    Check this video out of him hanging out with the Roadkill guys. Anybody that’s willing to have that much fun in junky old Jaguars is okay in my book.

    Love that movie. Don’t care if it’s cheesy.

    Rule #1: if you want your project to be successful, don’t name it CANT

    Yeah, but you ignoring the CMs direction to “keep your hands and arms inside the ride vehicle at all times” are why stuff like the possum gets removed. And also why selfie sticks got banned from the entire park(s).

    Disney actually released a cool game years ago, Ultimate Ride. It was just a roller coaster builder/simulator. No park around it. It was pretty awesome.

    My dad did Hwy 1 in a 32ft Winnebago Superchief with his 80+ year old mother along for the ride.

    Agreed; it’s likely several hundred folks on the internet wouldn’t have seen Mazda’s sculpture were it not for The Beast sitting in front of it in dozens of pictures.