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    It is a good time. The reason I suggest folks renting the first time is so you get the assistance of an experienced crew to help (the folks you are renting from), as well as get an idea if you want FWD, RWD or AWD. Also, it helps so you get some tips on what works and what doesn't work for setting up your car; i.e.

    Don't discount the switch in seats, but definitely give her a shot as codriver. One piece of advice: tell her not to worry about what the car is doing. That's the thing that always trips up first-timers, especially those who aren't invested in the process (think fun-run ride alongs). They get to looking out the

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    Wait, does that mean this song is really about a VW Golf?

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    Geez, Hollywood. Thanks for making it so I don't need to watch your movie.

    I do that anyway. "Watch this video—" OKAY

    The only thing I can figure is it has to do with how little damage it takes to render the trailing arm dangerous. They talk about a "rear or side-rear impact crash," but I'd bet even smaller impacts will cause issues.

    As someone who lives in a neighborhood with a cutting through problem (though, thankfully, very far away from an actual freeway), I can tell you that petitioning the city, while the proper method...rarely works how you want it to.

    You're assuming that the homeowners haven't tried to get local law enforcement to enforce those laws in the first place. I would almost bet you that they're doing this more as a last resort, since the other, proper methods have been ineffective.

    If I recall correctly, Utecht was running Dodge Omni GLH Turbo back around '98-'99. I seem to recall coming around a corner on one of the rallies here in the Pacific Northwest in my Sentra SE-R to be faced with his Omni on it's side, nearly blocking the road. I probably have it on Hi-8 video tape somewhere. Now if

    If you want a Top Gear USA that's better than Top Gear USA, you should check out Hot Rod's Roadkill.

    The only reason, aside from this is kind of a cool little truck, that I can think of to get this instead of a used Sidekick or Samurai is a factory warranty and low miles.

    You know what's annoying...I actually knew that the Mustang was unibody, but had totally forgotten. Thank you, you're absolutely right. Still, makes me wonder if that body is even a real 'Stang. Again, it ultimately doesn't matter, but I'm curious.

    I get that, but you can't protect against every single "what if" scenario. Heck, if that's your objection, we should clear the land around every airport; even the tiny private airfield in my small town has dozens of take-offs and landings a day, over mostly residential areas.

    Had the same thought — how much of this is Mustang, and how much is custom parts? Is there a real Mustang frame in there somewhere, or is it all tube frame? Is that sheet metal (unlikely) or fiberglass/carbon fiber?

    From my understanding, there is a pretty serious speed-freak culture over there. This video just didn't cover that aspect, with the exception of a little bit of RWB Porsche action.

    The SR20 is a fantastic engine, in any configuration. Nissan dropped one into the Sentra, and suddenly the press were hailing it as the revival of the BMW 2002.

    Hey Mr. Spaceman. Won't you please take me along; I won't do anything wrong.

    Yeah, but something prompted them to start recording. Instead of filming (vertical, no less), they should have made the call to the police.

    Maybe it wasn't really Russian...

    That's....actually a rather apt comparison. The Harlem Globetrotters are great players, but up against the NBA players, I doubt they'd win. Same situation here.