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    There's nothing wrong with a convertible. For MGBs, they made more convertibles (or roadsters, as we like to call them) than GTs, so you'll usually see more of them. Check Craigslist. Here in Oregon, I usually see an MGB there at least once a month. Whether or not it's a basket case or not, well...

    You want the MGB GT. Like 71MGBGT, I also have an MGB GT. A 71, in fact. Weird.

    Side-note — over half a decade I've been a commenter here, and I'm *still* not approved. <shakes head>

    Great, so now we can look up great period photos of cars during races and rallies with Revs Digital Library (https://revslib.stanford.edu/), then go over to VintageWheels.com and find a similar model.

    I'd wonder why the consultant was watching so much Rolie Polie Olie (everything has eyes in that show)...

    Yeah, not even close. It's not like it's getting its route from Google Maps and just following the road. It has thousands of sensors that monitor pretty much everything around it, and makes decisions (some say far better than the average human driver) about what it's encountered. It'll give room to bicycles on the

    I think...and don't quote me here...but I think For Sweden was alluding to recent events. Like, this year...not 26 years ago.

    Because it doesn't look as good at eye height? Press shots are like magazine photos of models — it doesn't show what they really look like, it shows what you want them to look like.

    One of the best movies.

    Yep, and a little Perry Mason over lunch. Mainly because it was the only thing on that wasn't a talk show or a soap opera.

    That's just bad parenting. Too many parents these days believe that learning is done at school, and at home (aside from homework) is where you do the rest of the stuff. But any parent truly interested in giving their child the most opportunities will tell you that learning is an around-the-clock thing, and those

    Any word if this is the same airship that Airship Ventures used to fly, called the Eureka? I know it was supposed to be disassembled and sent back to Germany. Would make sense for them to use the same one.

    Hmm, maybe it didn't have a salvaged title. He's was running it, though I think he's moved on to a slightly newer WRX.

    Yep. A big part of the "problem" is that used WRXs are so darn cheap, it's almost a no-brainer to pick one up and add some also-relatively-cheap bolt-ons to make it go fast. My brother picked up a bugeye WRX for $4k to use as the base of his car. $4k. Sure, salvaged title, but it's a rally car so who cares?

    Exactly. In addition to the fact that it wasn't a planned evac, the exposure will result in more assistance for those in need. It's hard to underestimate the value of that, or predict what snippet of video will trigger someone in power to do the right thing.

    Here, I'll answer it myself:

    Sorry, I need more than that. Please try again.

    Afterall less than 20% of the original car remains after its been converted to a rally car.

    Not for a story intended to be local. Everyone in that city probably knows about the kiosks. Heck, I just assumed it, and I'm not from that city.

    6 over? Depending on the speed, that could be well within the error factor of your speedometer. It could have been showing you going 1 mph over.