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    Got a schematic? For, ah, research purposes. :)

    Yep, ticks all the "car commercial" boxes: quick cuts, random shots of things totally unrelated to the product, the car being used in an unlikely manner.

    Well...I've stalled around too much. Time to get out to the garage and get the MG back on the road.

    I've long held that, while the car is important, the road is actually the more important factor in enjoying driving.

    Man...why are they using that gorgeous place as a bomb test site. If it weren't for the falling bombs, that'd make a nice spot for an exclusive resort, or a single residence owned by me.

    Had this happen. Was borrowing my brother's Galant VR-4 after the Rim Of The World rally; my girlfriend (now wife) and I went over to Disneyland for a few days before driving home. On the way home, the oil light came on, and I shut it down and moved to the emergency lane. Quick inspection showed that the oil

    Unless, as others have said (and the city official alluded to in the article), the government-run station relies on taxes to stay afloat. Already they're in a better position than a private entity, because they used public funds to purchase and renovate the station. That's not necessarily socialism, but it *is*

    See, when Jalopnik said they were going to go see the "greatest spectacle in motorsports," I was expecting they were going to go to Bowman Gray. Instead they're going to some boring Nascar truck race. Oh, sure, it's on dirt, but it's not Bowman Gray.

    One of the members of the 39-47 Dodge Truck mailing list that I'm on lost not only his house, but his '41 1-ton truck.

    It does have all the trappings of a catalyst, doesn't it?

    I seem to recall years ago at Portland International Raceway that they had a Pontiac Grand Prix pace car, which was spun out and into the tire wall during an event. How embarrassing.

    I'm totally using that. Here's one in return which you may have heard, to be used at another time: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    Wouldn't they be smart enough to throw a tarp over it?

    Yeah, I made half an effort about 10 years ago, then realized just how rare such a beast was. I think I'll stick to coordinating with my brothers, sister, and mom, and steal the bull-nose he already has when he's not looking, then get it roadworthy again (it's already in decent shape).

    My voice is my passport. Verify me.

    Exactly. They should sell off the planes to help fund their failing government, though the planes are likely only worth scrap/parts after sitting for so long.

    Anyone know what this equipment is here?

    Nice Back To The Future reference!

    As you should! You ever read Louis Zamperini's story? Absolutely amazing.