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    Hey Orlove, thanks for spoiling the ending in the headline! Why don't you go into a theater showing Citizen Kane and yell "Rosebud is his sled!"

    Website is good, and if you have a smartphone, they have a pretty good app.

    You should read Hammond's book on it if you haven't already, it's quite good. Gives a lot of insight, and his wife wrote part of it, too, so you get her take on it.

    Alright, let me rephrase that. My MGB GT and the Austin Healey's I'm used to playing with are dead simple. Those "luxury" British marques are a different matter, I suppose.

    Agreed. Replace the worn out suspension bits with new bits that keep it at it's current ride height.

    I think you've partially hit on it. It goes for other things, too. I pulled my Commodore VIC-20 out of the closet a few months back because I remember it being awesome. It's not, really (I mean, for 1983, it is, but not today).

    Ah, gotcha. Sorry, I came to this story after attempting to make sense of the Kinja "upgrade" (and subsequently switching back), so my sarcasm meter is all messed up.

    Bouncing the engine of a stationary car off the rev limiter for 20 minutes isn't "normal use."

    Yep, I'm in my 30s and have only been in one, in Nassau.

    I've had exactly one experience with a taxi (yeah, I live [a] in the sticks, and [b] don't drink, thus don't ever find myself away from home without the means to travel back). That experience was, at the time, scary but not necessarily bad.

    I don't remember Brian, but I stopped being really active in rally around 2001 or so, and even then rarely ventured out of the Pacific NW (went to California a few times — destroyed my SE-R at Rim, once and for all — and Ojibwe once).

    I'll just leave this quote from "Sneakers" here:

    That car was very fun to watch/run against (and by against, I mean I ran near the back of the pack in my '91 Sentra SE-R while Ralph ran waaaaay up at the front of the pack). It's a rather large car, though not as large as Todd Terp and Bob Wakehouse's 3000GT VR-4. That thing is WIDE.

    The Neon isn't that unlikely; I ran one for years in TSD rally, and several were/are run in stage rally. They're light, cheap, and pretty quick.

    How about 3.5 liters (218 cu in)? Just needs a bigger vehicle.

    Yeah, it's going to be impossible to settle this debate. The range and variety of straight 6 and V6 engines out there means that there will always be one that's easy to work on.

    Yup. That'd be what I do. It's private property, and as long as it doesn't break some CC&Rs or something, he should be free to do it. It'll take just one serious injury or death caused by these to make some changes to the road.

    Since "helicopter ice hockey" doesn't really exist, I posit that playing chicken between ice hockey players and a helicopter is "helicopter ice hockey." Ergo, the headline is 100% correct.

    Now playing

    That is pretty good. But this is better. Ari Vatanen, Manx Rally 1983.

    Yeah, seemed unnecessary. I mean, yeah, it probably would cost a bunch to ship it home, so why take it in the first place? Have fun with it here, sell it cheap to someone else, and let it live on...