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    Came here to expose this fallacy, was happy to be beaten to the punch by you.

    Then why didn't he just come out and say that?

    You're still missing the point. Asking for a list of taboo activities doesn't make you a child. Continuing to not understand why Americans find September 11th to be a sensitive date is your real problem. My guess that you're a child has nothing to do with what you're asking for; it has everything to do with you

    I'm going to guess that you're....9 years old, and weren't alive during 9/11. Or, perhaps you were just too young.

    Yeah, pretty much any movie with Dean Jones, David Tomlinson, or both is worth a watch at least once. But I dig those old, 60s campy movies anyway.

    I've called in my share, including a number of years ago in Beaverton, OR. The driver ended up being high. In addition to multiple officers showing up and stopping her before she killed anyone (she drove on the wrong side of busy roads often), I got a follow-up call a few days later from the detective.

    Yeah, that's pretty blatant. They should be able to put a multi-race ban on the red driver, especially after he managed to push the white MX5 off just seconds before. The guy was obviously on the warpath...

    That's what I was thinking. You're running from the copper chopper with 5 buddies? They all go left out of the parking lot? Go right. They take a right at the light? Go straight.

    Having been in a rally car rollover (though as the driver), I can tell you two things happen —

    Exactly my thought.

    True story I left a wedding once in the limo without the bride and groom...and took it straight to a TSD rally.

    Now playing

    Here's a thought, and I know this is totally off the wall...

    Yeah, he used it in his accounting firm until the drive turned into a dryer with shoes in it (clunk clunk clunk). Then he replaced it with a Wang, which eventually got replaced by IBM XTs. Which makes me wonder...does he still have the Wang in the attic? Hmm, time to visit dad.

    Exactly. Yes, he might not have got away without damage to his car (he probably would have slid off track and, being the 'Ring, hit the wall). But he definitely wouldn't have come back on the track to put other racers in danger.

    Repeat after me: In a spin, both feet in

    Wonder if I can find one for my old Alpha Micro AM-100.

    I seem to have a fascination with taking dashboard photos at car shows...

    You know, you have a bit of a point there. From looking at other, similar videos, it's obvious that these guys have learned to shoot by watching TV and movies. You know, where the bullets always go where they're supposed to, and no innocent bystanders get in the way.

    I'm wondering if Alcott sold that photo to someone, and either (a) that someone passed the photo on, assuming they had rights to use it anywhere, or (b) Alcott (accidentally?) sold the rights along with the photo.