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    @OA 5599: I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say there's probably no BMW Hotel in Detroit.

    @SynthOno: You know, of course, that the reason the '98 Escort was cheap is because of the reasons you identify — flimsy plastic internior panels, rubber shifter boots, bumpers that cracked, etc.

    @bradledy: Overwhelmed by the vtec, yo.

    But, I don't understand! Look at all the cars with 4 wheel drive! I thought that made them impervious to the effects of snow and ice?!

    @brewthunda: I'm thinking lift-off oversteer, with a healthy dose of panic braking.

    @Roberto G.: I dunno. He could have heard the car coming, and wanted to record the faces of the occupants as they came around the corner to see a man peeing at the apex.

    @Rock517: Hey, I'm stuck at work for at least 8 hours a day. And I wouldn't consider that...

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    And once again I get to break this out.

    There can be no replacement. Like the A-Team van, the DeLorean is one of the stars, and should be retained.

    @Vicarious-Chair: lol, alright, I'll grant you the addendum about Vekoma rides (though I like me some Disney rides, but I'm easily amused)

    @stuffelse: Hakka's are sweet, though I'm currently rocking a set of Blizzaks.

    @wjbean: Holy crap, that'd be kinda sweet.

    @136prima: Nice find. The man speaks the truth.

    @macserv: "Dr. Hathaway? Are you wearing makeup?"

    @wætherman: Well said. Plus, salt eats cars.

    @Isetta: Agreed, we seem to have abandoned the rail infrastructure in favor of air travel.

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    I know this is actually a serious condition, but for some reason I couldn't help thinking of this.