Anyone have suggestions for anxiety? Last spring I got off Celexa after a decade of dealing with sexual side effects. I switched to Wellbutrin which has worked GREAT.
Anyone have suggestions for anxiety? Last spring I got off Celexa after a decade of dealing with sexual side effects. I switched to Wellbutrin which has worked GREAT.
It can all be a bit terrifying! I have 2 teens and I still remember the excitement and terror of the conception / early years.
LL Bean has a lot of cotton sweaters. The women’s, unless they say fitted, are pretty boxy / unisex. I order one size up in cotton sweaters as I run everything through the dryer.
I had my first kid during the boom of the Clinton years. Was pregnant with the 2nd thinking Gore was a shoo in over the idiot Bush. The election was stolen in my last trimester. Now I’m watching in horror as my kids’ future seems fully fucked over. I’m still in the shock and rage states, alternating.
Jupiter Ascending had gorgeous special effects and music... I just can’t help but snark on the rocket roller blades. And the wooden acting of that guy (blocked out the name, I think he’s supposed to be hot?!).
Sci-fi is my favorite genre so I’m excited for this movie!
I’m having a party 12/9, got it on the calendar 4-5 weeks ago. Haven’t hosted a party in YEARS so am excited. The RSVP’s srarted rolling in 3 weeks ago.
My family loves it BUT I’ve bought all the expansions and specialty packs, and tossed about 1/3 of the cards, just keeping the ones our sarcastic family loves, and adding our own on the blank cards.
You can make an impromptu blanket holder (to keep it from resting on your feet) by sticking a small medicine ball below wear your feet lay.
I’m not understanding the reason for the snark here?!?!
My son and I *started* TWD last year, and caught up to the TV schedule in spring. We were both feeling done after the season premiere. I understand why ratings tanked.
My kid just got their bottom surgery date today, after 8 months working through the process,....for early 2018. Kind of terrifying thinking what can happen between now and then :(
I’m short with a short inseam as well. My favorite new trend (sarcasm) is manufacturers taking some long-ass pants and just chopping the bottom foot off to make them ‘short’. When I put them on it’s pretty obvious my ankle area is oddly wide and is actually more a knee area. What happened to actually shaping the…
I was ungreyed now am grey again. Depressing.
My kid swears by pho.
I have 2 kids so people assume I *like* children. Ugh. I like mine but other kids still make me feel awkward and stressed. My ultimate nightmare was spending 2 hours a month in an elementary classroom volunteer position.
I already voted by mail so I’m like “I voted already! why can’t this be over now!!!”
Thank you! I’m in a state with good trans protections and a ton of places have switched to gender neutral bathrooms. But it’s still f’ing scary when we run into the random place that just seems like a minefield.
Everyone else had great ideas that you can do now. If you feel you need meds, a lot of GP’s now will prescribe low dose antidepressants or a limited run of anxiety meds to hold you until you see a specialist.
I am also an opiate barfer. Unfortunately I had to take them this past year for a chronic pain thing. I complained to my Dr. and it turns out there are some awesome new (to me) anti nauea meds that help more and didn’t make me drowsy like previous ones did. I was able to take my pain meds and not spend 100% of my…