It’ll be the White Power House.
It’ll be the White Power House.
Thanks :) I love the addition to your screen name BTW. You’re going to have to up the number after all the mail-in and absentee ballots are counted.
He makes me [sic] to my stomach.
Agreed 100%. Had McCain or Romney won, war with Iran would have been likely if not certain.
Except that they did expand it through the use of drones, special forces, and private contractors. We are militarily engaged in more places now than we were when Shrub left office.
Right, because it is not like Floyd is a serial abuser or anything.
No to mention the registered Dems who voted for Trump.
No. Not at all. Also I think Hillz deserves credit for helping to broker the Iran deal.
Thanks for educating me! I am sorry for being so dismissive of your earlier post.
A fair point about OBL. I still think that she did did far more bad than good during her time at State.
“It was an odd opening...”
I didn’t equivocate, I simply pointed out that both are wrong.
Huh? Bernie caucused with Democrats and voted with Hillary 93% of the time while they were in the Senate together.
Maybe, but it is germane to the discussion of why she lost the election.
The fact that you are so quick to dismiss “...weariness with Progressive outrage culture” as a Trump talking point proves what I’m saying.
What popular vote did she win in 2008? Troll harder Mr. Podesta.
She was a great Senator, but she was an objectively atrocious Secretary of State.
That is fucked, and thanks for providing this info! I’ll read it shortly.