Tabby Gevinson

VIA ShadowProof:

No need to apologize :)

Valid point, but there is no way to know for sure if the gutting of the VRA led to Hillary’s loss.

Well said. The whole rationale behind supporting “establishment Democrats” has always been that they are imperfect but can win. Now that’s not true, so we need to find a new path forward.


“President-elect Bozo Mussolini” is pure gold.

I based my comment on this, from fivethirtyeight:

You guys are going to need a lawyer after Peter Teal reads this.

The notion that Bernie Bros caused her to lose is an unprovable straw-man.

Very true.

Yes, but the key phrase there is “in raw numbers”. As a percentage of eligible voters turnout was down.

Exactly this!


Yes, Obama was left a huge mess, but droning the shit out of Syria / Libya / Pakistan / Afghanistan / Iraq / Yemen / Somalia is not the appropriate response to that mess, and can’t credibly be blamed on Bush alone.

True, but there are more registered voters now than there was in 2008 or 2012. As a percentage of total possible voters turnout was down this year.

No. “Crooked” is an opinion, and it doesn’t necessarily mean “guilty of a crime”.


IMO the Democrats got crushed for several reasons:


To be fair, inflicting suffering on brown people is a totally bipartisan disgrace.