Tabby Gevinson

Bathrobes are Snuggies for the incontinent.

Can’t unsee :)


I’m curious to know how many queer actors are currently playing hetero roles.

It truly boggles the mind.

No, you’re right-ish. I was just being contrarian. I say -ish because the history of sports is so rich with drama that I would never pick one event as the best ever. This game / series definitely deserves a spot on the shortlist though.


This article repeatedly refers to the blackface wearing asshat as “he”, but according to this the offender is a “her”.

From the linked article:

Yes! I had forgotten about that.

Wow. Thank so much for this. I had never heard it before. It’s so poetic, poignant, and edifying. Again, wow.

What galls me is that the Dixie Chicks were burned at the stake for saying that they are ashamed that GWB is from Texas, but Ted Nugent and others are calling for Obama and Hillary to be literally killed and that’s totally fine with the Dixie Chicks haters.

Yeah, I enjoyed Butterfly more than I had expected or wanted to.

Love Charlie Pride.

“If it ain’t broke, disrupt it.”

This is too perfect / mystifying.

Dammit, that’s what I get for being a jerk!

I did not know this.

Me too until a professor corrected me. It really is a super common error.

“breathless speculation” = one article posted here a few hours ago :)