
The rundown of famous artists (performing and otherwise) condemned place is interesting. So judging by her flashbacks and what we're told about the criteria, any positive contributions to culture are overridden by selfishness and ego?

That is…exactly how I assumed English profs at Ivy League schools talked. And made me realize that I've never read Stephen King, which seems wrong. Where do I start on him?

I was working at a Barnes and Noble when Goblet of Fire came out. I hadn't started reading the books yet and was very happy I didn't have to work the midnight release party. 19 year old me (you don't have to have grown up with this series to love it) really missed out on a unique night at work.

Possibly. He was either a French Huegonaut (no idea on the sp) or a Dutch Waloon. And I remember a not so fun day on a family vacation searching for his grave in an MA graveyard. We did find his name on a monument to the first settlers.

Let me be the 5,000th person to say…I love the Olympics, I really really do…but maybe this thing has run it's course? A hundred+ years is a good run for any sporting event.
No one wants to host them anymore. I have to overlook so much creepy shit that happens in host cities to enjoy them. Tons of people get evicted in

I probably would have found the Linda thing funnier if Titus's reaction to Mikey's new boyfriend's name hadn't been so obnoxious. Jeff is a normal name, you total cartoon! I think I'm over Titus.

I Haven't seen the Groundhog Day musical but, unless it's nothing like the movie, a big love song that shows who he is at the end doesn't seem like the best representation of the story and his arc. But maybe that's just tainted by my feelings about the movie, I was also thrown off when it's was introduced as a

I think that's my ancestor's name. For real. A Bumpass landed in Massachusetts in 1621

Half the time it's Kimberly Williams-Paisley

It's very strange that her role in The Help (aka racist fembot) is possibly the least terrifying character she's played…

"There was no robbery; I shot myself"

"Wear six-inch heels just for yourself"

I think Crazy Ex-Girlfriend did a better job poking at 'seventh-wave' feminism with that "Put Yourself First (In a sexy way)" song.

That was always my problem with tests, and school in general. Didn't matter how fast my brain was working if my hands couldn't keep up with it.

He played Herbie in the Bette Midler Gypsy

"I'm on a Lacrosse team. I scored three goals against Country Day and it's Your Fault!"

The mention of music therapy just made me expect another barely justified musical number.

That may be the first time she's ever made me really laugh.

Have you seen The Pirate? If not, I strongly recommend. For one, it's him and Judy and they're hilarious in it. But that movie is basically just an excuse to show off his body. He's in very tight pants for most of it, but then there's a fantasy sequence (her fantasy, BTW…Then again it was her husband behind the

I didn't realize that "You're a beautiful beautiful man. You're an actor" "No" "That wasn't a question" exchange from the first season of Angel was his actual backstory.