
I assumed it was a lie to keep Jamie around, kinda surprised to hear people accepting it at face value. That she might just give birth to a dragon or smoke monster is also a fun thought.

Fair point, I amend my original statement, as I am likely to do the same.

You can't own up to something if you don't think you did anything wrong

Yeah, you'd think there would be some status you can ascend to where you would be protected from this kind of thing, but I guess one of the symptoms of that 'Our bodies are public property' problem is that famous women get their own strange version of that wherein any one feels free to comment on their bodies and

Right… because women hating assholes like you are always the first to come to the defense of someone when they HAVE been raped or abducted!

I love the weird chemistry between Paris and Richard, and Rory's kinda horrified reaction to it. This feels slightly disrespectful to say but I kinda think if Emily had died first…Paris would have been all over that. And since Paris is basically Emily

I think the 'no talking, no texting' kicks in when the lights go down for the real previews

Playing the Black Eyed Peas on a non-stop loooooooooop!

I suppose it goes without saying, but Euron is fucking obnoxious and I eagerly anticipate his death! Just relishing the angry mob and calling it 'the love of the people' The King's Landing peasants will angrily mob and throw literal shit at the drop of a hat, dude, this is not an accomplishment!

Uh, it didn't seem like Jamie knew she killed his son

Right, he's being honest, he's giving her actual advice, which he hasn't done in a while since he's been sidestepping the immovable 'I totally sold you to a monster who I knew would rape and torture you, remember how I used to be a pimp and you, woman on GoT, should have been prepared for that kind of marriage' thing

The way Louise reacted to Dean, it's probably a very good thing she never met Luke

I'm not sure why this reviewer thought that

So like True Blood, but dumber? Yikes

Aka, what Lorelai is good at

Or did he not notice how she interned at all, but did figure he could just break her confidence and she'd make the perfect 1st wife for his embarrassing son.

Makes about as much sense as it being the Joker

I'd mock, but I actually like He's Just Not That Into You and What to Expect When You're Expecting. I may or may not be the target demo here.

Just starting again with this particular script, right? Not with the whole story again, please. Please? Because, you know I think we really need to his parents get shot for the 20th time to really understand the pain and motivation ofzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

They're all there by accident, right? Or all the 'neighborhoods' are infinitely complicated purgatories. If not, then there being potentially millions of these hoods makes sense in a 'in my Father's house are many mansions' way.