

It's been awhile, but I think the first one is mostly Dom and Brian falling in love? Also the only one where Jordana Brewster gets significant screentime.

"Room with a View of Hell!"

Funny that that's basically what we got with Hannibal, just not Hopkins

Was anyone else left wondering if Mantis was one of Ego's other kids? She wasn't a celestial, but he kept her because she was useful

And he was the preacher in The Last Exorcism.

So nature documentarions, dog fighters, and reality TV producers all bait their subjects the same way hoping for a similar result

So a less buttoned up, regal but still somber and straight forward King Arthur movie…Someone already made that movie about 15 years ago

Seriously, there's a lot of incompetently made movies out there and if the worst thing you can say about your Worst Movie Ever is the dumbass director didn't really get the book ( and I don't think anyone would argue that point…He really didn't) then you haven't seen enough bad movies! So Snyder didn't understand the

I think it's crystal clear at this point he doesn't get how being President works

God…And a really cool computer with Barbara Streisand's ego

I wish that was a shock.

Did Cochrane really say that about her "babysitting problems?! And was Clark seriously the only one to call him on that, because that's a little more depressing. You have little kids waiting at home too, dude, don't you want to get home and see them? Aren't there mothers and fathers on that jury? And doesn't this case

Realistic attitude

What if I'm just singing along to Kanye in my car?

Yeah I thought the point was made with "I collect WWII memorabilia,"

Wasn't there a wrestler who killed his wife(or GF, I don't remember which) who was diagnosed?

No, really, I know that it's those Kardashians, I've put the mystery together, you can stop with the cutesy call-outs now! Please?
I actually buy that the four of them might ritually chant their surname at TV screens now (I don't have a better explanation for why they're famous, witchcraft makes sense) but why the hell

Yeah, I had no idea who the hell OJ Simpson was at the time. Granted, I hate football now (well, really I hate the NFL but I also find the game boring) and then I was a twelve year old girl who's knowledge of Big Sports Stars began and ended with Michael Jordan and the Bulls, and Kristi Yamaguchi.

Surprised to hear the negative critique on David Schwimmer; Bob Kardashian is breaking my heart. And gets major points for being the person to ask "Why the hell were you in that room alone?!" Because seriously…That was some shitty lawyering right out of the gate and kinda does make it look like O.J. WAS being