
The show itself called that in a dream sequence. And then had either Jesse or Joey say "I'm gonna start being nicer to Kimmie Gibler"

Showing DeSousa painfully climbing the stairs to his office is a pretty incredible detail.

I wouldn't say its not that interested in the usual Asimov robotic philosophizing; I think those thoughts are still in there as jumping off points for its themes of gender, sexuality, manipulation. So the whole "…and then it got smart enough to wonder why it had to take orders?" (Yeah, I'm quoting The Incredibles

I think it leaves a couple of plot holes (helicopter?) and missed opportunities (mainly in what she decides to wear) but I didn't find that ending arbitrary at all. What Nathan gets felt pretty inevitable to me. This is my favorite kind of movie; I see a different fascinating detail every time I watch it. This time I

And Ivanka would win Miss Universe every year until some other planets finally started sending us their beauty queens.

Really? You can pay James Marsters to bite you? A lot better than paying for an autograph, I guess.

Oh sure, "If Daryl dies, we Riot" but then you try to eat Reedus when you see him? Make up your damn minds! Meanwhile everyone who has played a vampire on TV requests that you stop asking them to bite you.

Your comment is why I love it here. I regret that I have but one upvote to give.

Pandora, girlfriend…DUMP HIM!

Oh, yes. I thought them meeting was going to lead to Whitney pulling a 'Think of what we could do TOGETHER!' since these two would logically be the ones to size each other up and go 'Hey, I was gonna burn this world to the ground, want to come?' (and then they'd try to recruit Peggy, etc)…but this show turned my

Some % of that is scarves and/or hats

I know, YAY! I know this is due in large part to the show's primary occupation of strrrrrrreeeeeeetttttching storylines out as long as they can and Mosely as the Saddest Sack in the Empire, given less respect than his gay co-worker or the dog, felt a lot less like characterisation and a lot more like torture six

He kinda did, though

Considering the tone of this movie I really expected someone to call bullshit on his 'disfugurement' At the very least for Inara to say something like 'Is your body still incredible? Yes, but that six pack is now covered in scars? Upgrade!'

Now why the hell would TJ Miller be there?

Man, Jenny can't catch a break, can she?

I'm still unsure how people are italicizing, how the hell are footnotes possible?!

I suppose these are exceptions to the rule but I think Hannibal and Justified show that the best (incredibly unhealthy) love stories on TV are between two men as well.

I can think of a few ways it does actually breaks the mold. For one thing, the henchmen/sidekick fight at the end defying the recent(ish) 'girl can only hit other girl" rule.

On top of being shocked at how many brand new FOX shows I'm kinda loving, I'm shocked at how well this show works. Its not nearly as generic as it's premise would suggest. Obviously the whole 'Satan is tall, dark, handsome, and British' thing is enough to draw me in and Ellis is very…watchable. But he's not the only