
I think there is a good horror movie in this concept. Like you said 'this is how we terrorize' in the now when I assume any bullied kid knows they can't even escape their tormentors when they leave school. But this movie really had the classic movie about dumbass teens problem of the audience (or just me) actively

And you didn't have to be 11 to crush on that kid during this movie. I'm remembering a theatre full (well, not full, really) of grown women giggling.

"That's not to say a leading man shouldn't be young and handsome-most of them are"….'almost 50, or older' I think you meant to say. Most of the young men put forth to replace Brad, the Toms, Will, Johnny et al have come off as boring and inadequate by comparison. But that all speaks to your point.

I'm glad they've kept the stupidity and ridiculous stunts, but without Jason Statham strip-fighting I still don't see the point. Also in terms of the original cast turning this down, is Audi in this one?

Highly logical reaction and one that didn't occur to me because this show has really messed with my concept of what a human being can survive.

And the fact that they didn't kiss at the end kinda proves (well, network TV homophobia and) Hannibal didn't have consumating things with his murder husband on his agenda.

"Have you always been called Libby?" "No I used to be named Betty….when I was on another network, and my manipulative bastard of a husband was much prettier and would actually get a new brunette every few months…those were the days"

Awhile back Sarah Silverman half jokingly said something to the effect of 'Well now that I'm fucking Michael Sheen, I think I'll probably be back on Masters of Sex' and….based on this mess of an episode I can't see another reason for her character to randomly be there again.

"I think you're ignoring one very handsome variable"
I get that was meant to be flattery but seriously MoS, decide once and for all what Bill looks like!

Yeah, that was some disappointing writing right there. Maybe I'm misremembering the first season but they didn't use to be this on the nose, right?

But, from what we saw, she was the one who kept bringing Will up. So if she wanted him to not focus on Will..then again, looking at her actions through the lens of jealousy that could have been her needling Hannibal about Will in a 'what does he have that I don't' way.

Yeah, I saw her name in the credits and thought "Really, that's who gets a network TV gig, fucking Tara?!" but I loved her in this episode.

I found it funny that Bill interrupted his strange, vaguely robotic gift giving and speech about how none of this would have happened without Gini to scream at Betty for entering a room without knocking. Hey Bill I know that she's not the one you're sleeping with but you do know that without Betty none of this happens

Well now I'm just looking forward to when Natalie Dormer gets to Dowager Countess age. I know she'll do it very well.

And apparently he's 15 in that version. Ick

Playtime's over

I haven't seen the British version but am I safe in assuming he was Brian, or whatever the original name was?

I will bet an irrelevant number of dollars that picture of Baby Joffrey was taken while he was singing "Where Is Love"
…yes, I assume any successful (boy) child actor has recently played Oliver….or Gavroche.

I had been thinking of Arlo Givens as the worst father on this show, I forgot what an evil bastard Bo Crowder was. Not that Boyd is blameless, of course, ruining your father's deal with a cartel is a good way to get him killed and denouncing him as unworthy to be your father in front of the congregation is downright

I clearly missed earlier developments on this movie so I'm here late to say…Woody Harrelson as LBJ? That's awesome!