
Clearly some work went into that body

Yeah, maybe I just didn't find him that compelling as knock-off Viggo Mortensen.

While Asaf isn't as hateable as some of the other "not here to make friends" people we've had to endure, he's the one who had to talk back to the judges so now he's the better story. He also has the almost didn't make it underdog thing going. Apparently Nigel isn't immune to the reality producer misconception that

"I don’t know if Nigel legitimately believes that the show will still be on the air in 10 years, but it’s a valiant dream" How old are American Idol and Survivor now?

I couldn't tell if she specifically knew what he did or if she was just blaming him in a more general way, in keeping with her 'there is no part of my life you have not found a way to control' speech

Well lashing out against the Washington U Chancellor seemed to be as much, if not more, about him being mocked and rejected than it was about defending Barton's right to be who he is.

On the other hand, this show has just as often been about its characters dealing with irrevocable changes in their lives that they had no choice in. I guess 'feeling/being powerless' might be a better way to put that…

That was the Kiss From a Rose soundtrack, right?

Was there a reason we couldn't see (or at least definitively hear about) how Libby and Robert ended? Because Libby's breakdown last weekend had her talking about it being so bad down South and how she had reached her heartbreak quota and not being given any other info on a plot point we were theoretically supposed to

Comforting to know I'm not the only one who does that.

They keep harping on the idea that they need to make the study public before anyone else can get their own sexual research out there. But…they weren't the first anyway, right? Hadn't Kinsey already collected and published similar data like ten years before they even met?

Same reasons the ratings sucked, genre snobbery and Hannibal Lecter fatigue?

No Walton Goggins? Seriously?! I'm inclined to blame whoever exiled Justified's streaming rights to Amazon Prime. If it had been on Netflix letting everyone catch up during the hiatus, I have very little doubt that Boyd Crowder would be as iconic as Walter White.

At least they lampshaded it a little. With Robert calling out how cliché the setup was when they were in the bedroom 'My terrible husband is gone, let's get you out of those torn clothes' 'Nope' 'Okay, I'll just sew with you still in it, and to hell with the scissors, I'll just put my mouth on your chest to cut the

Come to think of it Vanessa had her head shaved when she was in the insane asylum and for her first 'meeting' with the demon. And there's the short, blonde hair Victor decided on when he 'made' Lily. I think you've got a valid theory here.

I really hope they carry through this fun anticlimactic thing they've done in the first two season finales, where the 'villains' turn out to be very easy to take down (often by Timothy Dalton with…just a gun, apparently) because the real threat is and always will be our protagonists.

Maybe it was the catharsis of seeing him so thoroughly scared and weirded out by Lily's monologue last week crossed with him being far less self-pitying this season but I was much more inclined to sympathize with John Clare this week. So much so that my reaction to him killing the Putneys was 'Don't feel bad about

Not a family show, Fox!

About the foot-ball, at what point in the human experience did someone say 'why don't we try the giant arenas and the huge crowds of rabid fans and the competitive physical exertion and showing off and someone from on high making questionable judgements that permanently affect the lives of the competitors…and just

I made the right decision to avoid the Greek life.