
It's possible I've misinterpreted (or over interpreted) these last few episodes but it felt to me like the show hit the reset button and sent a few of the characters back to where they started. Dany wound up back with Jorah Mormont as her supposed protector, then her dragon brought her back to the Dothraki. Tyrion is

Yeah the scene with Alana calling and trying to warn Pazzi and getting Hannibal instead, as well as a lot of the stuff with Alana and Verger, is exactly what happens with Clarice in the movie. Quite a bit of the dialogue is word for word.


In terms of diversity with all the excellent women on team street, we have an outside chance of seeing at least one woman in the top 20 who isn't a super skinny contemporary dancer of the (as you put it) 'vague brunette' variety. That's a bit exciting.

They aren't mutually exclusive. It is a good movie, and one of the many things it is good at telling a crazy over the top post apocalyptic story from the women's point of view.

Pretentious art film imagery is one thing…literally showing a fucking teacup shattering then reforming to become Will's face is another, much more annoying, ham-fisted thing. I get it, okay, he's the teacup!

I don't think Will can plan anything right now, he's totally broken and doesn't have the ability to really make a move towards Hannibal other than a vague impulse to run to his side.

It's quite a relief that instead of several more episodes of the group trying to convince Malcolm he's bewitched, he just realizes that he's losing himself and snaps out of it, with a little help from friends.

" though Magic Mike would prove that Pettyfer could be good when used right" Or, to be more accurate, it proved that Channing Tatum as a charismatic, bankable leading man was a far more exciting proposition when a blank space like Alex Pettyfer is there for comparison. The trailers for Beastly did make it seem a

No that bathtub scene was crazy hot and it seemed like that was its purpose. That and the worrying undercurrents of…'is he going to snap her neck' and 'I know Fuller is avoiding sexual violence, but that was all intimate and sexy and she's made it very clear she doesn't want to be there with him, so….

I just wonder how many lives that would save.

A relationship that served no purpose (other than the five way sex scene) which she only seemed really invested in for maybe two episodes before all her dialogue turned into some permutation of "I don't really trust him"…and yet during the finale her line to him was "I was so blind"

Apparently only dance lessons make that woman smile.

So everyone stayed in character for that photo except Dalton who went with a benign smile? Okay.


And he's been boring bland dude often enough already, the sluttiness only goes so far in making a character compelling. It is about time they incorporate something of the original character's flaws. He should be selfish, flighty, and reckless with other people's lives.

Dorian throwing a ball for Angelique is kind of a (pardon the pun) dick move, yes? He's all 'We need to be bold, show society that we don't care about their rules, and flaunt our totally illegal love in their faces' Yeah, that's a huge risk YOU'RE taking there, Dorian.

But judging by Angelique's expressions throughout the night, he's a lot less versed in reading when his partner is feeling neglected and increasingly jealous.

Not toned, necessarily, but really how many other actors in their 70s are still doing sex scenes?

I have no idea what japeries are, but from what I remember of Vanity Fair Thackeray had a fun habit of describing a character or situation by referencing someone in his life that the reader couldn't know anything about. So I'll just decide it's that.