
Same here. I know a lot of the stuff with the Lost Boys is nauseatingly cutesy as is the daughter, I never liked Julia Robert's Tink, and all the fight scenes could be cut without the movie losing anything…but on the other hand that trading insult dinner with Rufio, Rufio, Bob Hoskins's Smee, a Robin Williams

"Streep in a dark time" That just reminded me that I went most of my life (until The Hours came out, I think) having only seen Meryl in…Death Becomes Her, as such I didn't see what all the fuss was about. Because kids, and pretentious teenagers who really like the word 'overrated,' are stupid.

I remember liking it but that movie apparently came out when I was 7, so a lot of it flew over my head. I caught a bit of it on TV a couple years back and…Holy Shit, the ghost was Liam Neeson?!

I love the Best Christmas Pageant Ever. My beliefs are certainly less…Puritan (but not a Papist, my Southern Baptist preacher grampa would die!) than my upbringing should have guaranteed but I read that every Christmas and have never failed to tear up a little at the ending "I thought of the Angel of the Lord-Gladys

She could have a huge business related meltdown and go back to her adorable home town and reconnect with family, friends, and the one that got away?

I love this movie, but if we're nitpicking, Rex Manning doesn't make any sense. Yeah, that video looked a lot more '85 than '95 but even beyond that he's from the wrong era to be in this movie. From what we get, he's a singer of cheesy bubblegum who broke out from some kind of family friendly TV show. He's David

I always got the impression all of them were just there all day, not necessarily on the clock the whole time. And Mark actually says he came in early because Rex Manning Day

Indeed. Also the lack of foresight in casting Robin Tunney and Renee Zelweger as second fiddle to Liv Tyler is almost cute.

You can Count me on the 'actually likes this movie and will quote it extensively' side but I don't think I even cared about Corey, AJ and their precious feelings the first time I watched it. I think maybe that's meant to seem more important in the movie than it really is, important on the level of a suicide attempt

I've haven't seen Punisher War Zone, but have seen Green Street Hooligans and what I remember about that movie is all the characters overreacted to every single thing that happened, the energy level was static through the whole movie, so much so that I couldn't tell what I was supposed to care about.

Come to a beautiful couple's house expecting a threesome, get neck snapped instead. Thats a helluva bait and switch.

I had gotten the impression from Hannibal the movie that he just created a false identity as Dr Fell, not that he had killed the real dr Fell and was taking his place. Killing a man, then giving a lecture as him just seems like a really reckless decision.

I don't suppose other families have We're No Angels as part of their holiday viewing lineup? Not the one with Deniro and Demi Moore, the one from the 50s (I know every line of this movie, but I've never checked its year) with Bogart, Peter Ustinov and Aldo Ray as escaped convicts who help a struggling family on

And I'm not sure I actually have. Fair enough.

Career Opportunities! I don't think I rewatched that as many times as say, Rocketeer or Labyrinth (there's one that's the opposite of this q&a: finding out that many of the women of my generation watched Labyrinth and felt…things) but it definitely added to my intense desire to be Jennifer Connelly.

"Even though no one in my class new what my costume was" Every Halloween of my entire life, including the last couple, really. But the peak of that is probably the one where I went as a Tribble. Not obscure in the wider sense but not a lot of other people in my junior high were as into Star Trek as my best friend, my

You have good point there. There's something to be said for rape victims and their rapists, and society at large, seeing it as normal…maybe inevitable is a better word. GoT is approximating a time when you were expected to accept any horrors of your situation, bear your burdens silently, serve your purpose, and thank

The SJW thing…can you guys just be honest and go back to calling us Feminazis when we say something like…hey, it's really kinda fucked up that the only female characters on this show who haven't been raped (usually by their husbands) are the knight who is perceived as mannish and ugly (and only avoided gang rape

Oh I totally agree, it would be very boring. I was just thinking out loud that maybe reviews of TV-to-film adaptations should consider the probable fan reaction as part of the analysis, but not the whole of it obviously.

I feel like they checked in with the state of Harry's marriage often enough. She had back pedaled on divorcing him when it looked liked he was going to make partner, right? And then we saw him sleazing on desperate actresses/extremely recent exes of co-workers? Still unhappily married, or newly divorced doesn't