
I know they were both on the show from Season 1 so this doesn't really make sense, but in my mind Hildy became Alison. Works at the executive secretary level, is fighting her attraction to thoughtless brunette assholes who lie about who they really are. Got that job at that magazine without a reference because the

Prior to the "oh right, I have a huge country estate I've never mentioned before because I really haven't coped with my parents' death that well" reveal in Skyfall, hadn't they set up Craig's Bond as working class? I'm remembering Eva Green saying something about him seeming like he had been picked on by the rich kids

Ok, but if someone didn't hate the tv show with the fire of a thousand suns, will they like the movie?

Ok, I'll be that person…Reloaded is my favorite of the three.

Oh, she was the reincarnation of his long dead fiancee, Dracula references, etc etc…but it honestly just comes off like he chooses the youngest woman there, give or take a 15 year old Chloe Moretz. At this point I expect the love interest to be younger, but when Eva Green and Michelle Pfeiffer are right there being

About the blind person being able to see the gentle soul, not the ugly exterior. In this case, isn't it less a "well-worn horror trope" and more a direct reference to the source material?

I may have imagined it, but when they zoomed in on his eye in the last episode, I could have sworn it was looking reddish. Obviously there was major damage to his face so his eye looking reddish could have nothing to do with lycanthropy, but that's where I think they're going with this.

Yes, apparently you can exorcise a demon by praying to St. Jude?! Or maybe he just calmed it down for a bit since Vanessa is clearly still the target of all sorts of Satanic energy.

Its starting to feel like the writers think if they give Dorian one "shocking" thing to do in any given episode then that will be enough reason for him to be there. Its really not, but at least it seems like they might be giving him an actual story line now that Angelique has been in more than one episode. Him just

How do I forget there's a Memorial Day parade every year?! I only walked or marched in that thing about 15 times.

I had forgotten all about the Lydia thing. I misremember the last line as Jesse saying "Then do it yourself!" I honestly didn't need anything after that.

Oh, I loved that ending. Because it doesn't end on the "What are we gonna do now" it ends on Buffy's face as she realizes the answer to that is "Anything I want!"

A couple of Hannibal episodes, too.

Oh, Kenna "I'm sorry, did you say you were a king?" Don't ever change. Especially now that it's been decided that Mistress of King (fillintheblank) is your whole identity. Because that's worked out really well for you so far.

"We had destroyed all the evil in the world and no one tried to hurt me or my family ever again"

Strong agreement on An Education, I hated that ending. It completely undercuts the rest of the story and it's title. So she's just going to pretend like the whole David thing didn't happen? Then what the hell has she learned from that experience?

Yep, every incredible sword fight in modern movie history, all choreographed by the same guy. I think he did Pirates, too?

I know I'll forgive any amount of plot weirdness if a movie has some good sword fighting. Hell, I actually love the third Pirates of the Carribean.

He did say distractingly bad, didn't he. Her….Irish? Would certainly qualify. But there's accent shenanigans elsewhere on this show too. Green is a such a mix of linguistic influences that she doesn't always sound strictly British to me and Hartnett never sounds totally committed to where in the US he's meant to be

And they figured Ormond probably remembered some French from a movie she made 20 years ago?