
Made even more devastating by, well I don't have the exact words to describe what Jon Hamm did with his face after she said that, it was like a half second of wide eyed almost nausea brought on by emotional pain that flattened into choking back sobs?

Well there were actually several forms of birth control on the market by then you could buy condoms over the counter (or under the counter, most likely, but they could be bought) but that probably didn't guarantee they'd be available to a poor girl in Devon.

Eva Green kinda sets the tone of the show in many ways, the nebulous Euro accent is definitely one of them.

Star Wars, apparently?

Seriously, that had to be intimidating as hell.

Joan's reaction was pretty awesome as well "That's fantastic…what a mess!"

….I'll be in my bunk.

The Harry thing aside, I feel like this episode was written explicitly to make everyone hate Megan. Like they knew they had limited time and loose threads to cut off so they removed any ambiguity to the character and just decided she is and always has been a gold-digger. So they just write a check and say "Here's a

See that's more what I would expect from a David Lynch Twitter feed, 140 oddly punctuated, unrelated characters, not 'Hey guys, I just got a job!' Pretty sure that was my last status update.

I hate to think someone actually heard 'sammitches,' way to miss the point! Then again if that's because whoever misheard that was unfamiliar with savage as an insult, that's pretty cool. Gotta love when racial slurs actually go extinct.

I still have her frozen in my mind at True Grit. Looking at imdb, I see she is 18 so technically old enough to be in college. But what doesn't make sense is why she would be in the same group (or school) as Rebel Wilson who is 35! That's apparently only 6 years younger than the director.

That threw me, too I personally have never been in a choir that wrote their own material (although i did sing two original songs in different choirs) and I assumed that was the norm.

Like on the movie? Because I'm remembering chalk people coming out of walls filled with graffiti, that's pretty bonkers.

Where the hell are the Misfits?! Two plot details about this show stick in my memory. One of them time traveled, and because of her clothes was immediately attacked for being a witch. And one of them got her dream job as an assistant to her favorite designer who rejected all of her amazing sketches until she figured

Hartnett has this adorable dimply smile that he doesn't use that often in this pretty angsty role, so whenever he does I'm momentarily dazed.

I love that he barely even looked in Victor's direction

And she knew the poetic reference without him even having to say who wrote it!

And that's why all the "these last few weeks with you have been so amazing" timejumps are feeling so lazy. It's like they think they need to show all the minutiae of a relationship that for a lot of this season was just angstily staring at each other in the woods. But then they feel compelled to check back in on the

I love the thing at the British Museum with Lyle's co-worker running into him and Chandler. At Lyle's super convincing "He's my…..brother?" that guy was just 'Ugh, another one of these, fine, just don't steal the ancient porn'

Well no one said Victorian transvestite hooker was a smart, or remotely safe, career path. You do what you gotta do. And Wilde probably wasn't randomly hitting on people, but most definitely picked up rentboys off the street.