
The eyes!

The "random-ass pagan witchcraft bullshit" (just the best way to put that, bravo) exists to give Bash something, anything, to do. Even if its profoundly uninteresting. I like that they tripled down on reasons that Bash fits into the show at all (Fighting his brother's wars! Kenna motivated jealousy! Random-ass pagan

I feel like he just….got married and moved away?

No really, Mary, you've empowered this guy to take your country and (by this show's logic) England too, how do you not see that? And how are you still doing it by the end of the episode?!

"but if he just looked past it, she could see how sorry she is, it’s a wonder that Francis doesn’t laugh in her face." But at least his reaction was a comparatively still awesome 'I know you're sorry, hun, I just don't fucking care' At least Toby Regbo has come out of this really really really tedious storyline with a

I just remember that Benjamin Britten orchestra for children thing.

I'll assume it has a convieniently located vineyard?

Right, because then its a story about some "foreigner" who is either moving in and taking over, or its someone who demanded an exception be made just for him or her. But it's the rule itself that I think is strange. For one thing, isn't it better when the president has more than a passing knowledge of other cultures?

I don't think this family is actually given a last name. But I'd go with Irene Dunne in I Remember Mama.

While I actually think that rule should be changed, I don't think Arnold should be the reason.

His performance in Escape Plan was encouraging as well. Speaking in German, being funny on purpose, etc.

I am genuinely really excited to see this movie.

Oh Baelish, either your research with regards to who Ramsay Bolton is really incomplete (because no, Sansa will not be able to wrap that boy around her little finger!) or you know about all the torture and don't care what's about to happen to her. Could go either way.

Seriously Leith, don't kill yourself to give a woman something she has said she doesn't want!

Fair point

If I throw a stick, would you chase it and get the fuck out of my face?

Also, did they genuinely expect me to remember and attach any emotional weight to the specifics of when he and Mary were almost-maybe-sort of a couple?

I love that video so much

I think the evidence is very strong that she is.

He is a consistently terrible husband.