
In this series, it is genuinely likely "Yeah, the ghosts of my wife and children took the country house, so I live in town…it is what it is"

I thought the phrase "Dumb Blonde" had a universal meaning, as an archetype: the airhead blonde who is much much much smarter than she's acting. I was not saying Betty is actually dumb (she's been immature, but there is clear hope) I'm saying she is the type who was taught if she wanted to get ahead and/or not make

Yeah, McCann (if they didn't fire her outright without even bothering to make up an excuse) would clearly have been hell on earth for Shirley.

Or effectively becoming a better secretary by going out of her way to win him over?

Yeah, I'm going extra negative on his reaction because of how he treated Joan. That has been how many have reacted once they've really gotten to know Don, and not just the girlfriends. Cutler obviously felt similarly disillusioned, saying that he and Ted were in awe of Don from afar and how disappointing it was when

So basically Don was a shiny toy that Hobart wanted for so long and the second he took him out of the box he….whined and pouted that he was broken? Hobart is a spoiled brat.

Remember the first time they showed him in California and it seemed like LA was (naturally) fake as hell and he fit right in, tanned and happy as a clam? But then the work went sour so he was miserable again? I see no reason he wouldn't do the same thing here.

I feel like it's been awhile since they explicitly addressed the institutional misogyny, not that that isn't always an undercurrent for all the women's storylines and particularly Peggy and Joan. But yes, this is an episode that felt particularly uncomfortable in that regard. That scene with Ferg felt really true, in

Since Moss moved right from West Wing to this, I'd say she's got some good instincts and options with regards to prestige television.

They showed at least one guy turning around to look back at her. It's in that screenshot up there.

Well due to grammatical weirdness they actually promised to give him parking tickets. "We'll get you anything you want, Don, including parking tickets…yup, you just say the word and we will park your Cadillac illegally"

Is this guy a really specific, subtle gimmick account who only comes here to advocate for Dr Rapist's parental rights?!

When she dropped that coffee I said "Thank god" Peggy, sweetheart, it's like one teaspoon of instant to one cup of water. It's written right on the package.

Man, the details they carry through on really are incredible. And that's the first time we see Lane too. I thought that was a hell of an entrance for Jared Harris, personally. Cooper asks says that about their business and then says "Who is the man who imagined her ecstasy" and they cut to Harris for the first time

As an (possibly, I don't know your life) available substitute, how about the next time we see our grandfathers, we give them a slap on the face. They'll know what they did.

You're kidding me, Malcolm's wife has just been alive and living at the country house this whole time?!

I thought the villian was Vanessa's demon…or Caliban. I know Caliban had the higher body count, but Vanessa, or whatever is torturing her, comes off as more of a threat.

They legitimately have gotten better. These days it actually tastes better when its hot, whereas before it always tasted better the next morning.

Well, that was bound to happen.

Only if Downton Abbey has a huge (and weirdly specific) effects budget…