
And I'm sure reporters have actually done this, but isn't there an actual organic way to ask RDJ about his past with regards to Tony Stark? Or how all his post comeback roles are high functioning addicts?

I shouldn't be shocked if that's true, but that just seems like deliberate ignorance of a pretty crucial part of why Iron Man worked.

I think there must be a way to do the junket thing and talk to the people involved about their work without deliberately embarrassing them OR asking the same dumb questions they have to answer all day long.

Well, the riffing does get a bit homophobic sometimes

Is that true?

A little bit of research would disprove that, yes? I know, I know, they're very busy and important.

But wouldn't that kind of fall apart under the giving myself to a higher power/accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can't accept ethos? Its about realizing that there's a bigger, stronger thing that's keeping you down, yes?

And she's trying to get an idea of bad the outbreak is via how many sexual partners he's had and he says "You should probably just stick them all…because I did" Hilariously sleazy character.

About a teen syphilis outbreak, yes, love that one.

In terms of Thora Birch for Lifetime: Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story.

If I recall, a good half of that movie is just watching their band rehearse or perform.

That she conveniently had a knife in the car to kill Tori with because her older sister's go-to commute snack was cucumbers that she sliced right there in the car is one ridiculous detail that will never leave my brain.

Yeah they don't have much faith in the audience to figure it out ourselves. My favorite Lifetime movie quirk is always the scene where they bring the movie to a screeching halt so the doctor, cop, or psychologist can sit the mother/audience down and explains the movie's "issue," whether it's a teen syphilis outbreak,

Really I've always found Greenwood fairly charming. Then again he and John Slattery occupy the same space in my head, so I'm finding it funny that Joan went for them both.

I feel like I watch this show a bit too closely sometimes and I still have to ask…Who the fuck are Alice and Doris?! Wait, wait, don't tell me…hookers? Stewardesses? Diner waitresses?

"Remember, when my kids thought for a second they were meeting the woman who raised me? I mean, it turns out she was just robbing the place and accidentally taking advantage of the fact that everything I've told my children about my life is an elaborate lie, but…"

Yup, keeping secrets does seem to be part of Roger's job. Considering how many times prostitution has figured in the "keeping clients entertained in the big city" equation.

Oh, I am definitely reaching. So much of Roger's life happens off-camera that I apparently write slash fic in my head. But I think the few bits we've gotten about that professional relationship indicate that Roger came out of it feeling more than a little wounded and used. To the extent where he would be randomly

And growing up with him, she's probably observed how he interacts with women. I suppose once she had the clear evidence of her father cheating all those times that he worked really late and just disappeared for months have a different context. Fair enough. Plus, her classmate openly hitting on her dad and him taking

I have not seen that one.