
Okay, I am now totally convinced that something happened between Roger and Lee Garner Jr. Weird lines about having to hold Garner jr's balls, this new thing about why Don had to be at all the meetings, Roger's reaction to getting fired was basically "After everything I've done for you?!" Plus, Garner was a total bully

It does seem like Sally was projecting quite a bit. Don handled the situation gracefully (Whether the pretty underage brunette would be off-limits if he had met her under different circumstances is, honestly, up for grabs) didn't embarrass the girl but made sure everyone was having a good time.

Hey, he's the one who swore in the pilot. But, that wasn't in front of a client.

There's a throwaway line in the episode where Marley Shelton guested as her old friend who now worked for Avon. They were talking about a guy they both dated back in their home town and Joan said "At least you didn't marry him. That was the worst six months of my life" Worse than Dr Rapist, really? Joan is awesome,

Yeah, I love Django, so much. And that's really an incredible Jackson performance. The head house slave (yeah, I'm gonna soften that language a bit) is definitely not a role I would have thought he would ever actually take. Not that he would turn Tarantino down, obviously. But he's absolutely perfect in it and it's

Ah, I see. I really don't know how law enforcement works.

Totally (which I didn't enjoy nearly as much as I thought I would. since its Cronenberg I assume that was on purpose?) And he has an huge blockbuster action franchise under his belt, and he's done a few Westerns, he's checked off everything on their list up there.

Which, I'm sorry to say, has to be why he's stuck playing the villains. Because he looks good enough to have played at least a few of the heroes in all the direct-to-DVD action stuff he's done.

Yes, but on the other hand, Black Swan.

I think Viggo Mortensen already went there, wouldn't you say?

Which is one of the bigger suspensions of belief that I've ever been asked to make…

"Let's kick the tires and light the fires!" (Immediately dies)

I thought so, I mean unless he would have meant it as "if you don't put me down, I will kill everyone" I don't see why he would have a reason to threaten Loretta, who was already gone by then anyway.

Maybe I bought it just because I strongly suspected that "Ava is totally pregnant" would be one of the series endgames and was happy to be proven right. But I just really wanted Ava to get away from Harlan, Boyd and Raylan. And she already went to prison.

To the people of Harlan County, the people watching this now think you are all desperate career criminals trapped in a terrifying hellscape that time forgot.

I would think a guard in a prison holding Boyd Crowder is gonna take any opportunity to make him stop talking. Minimizes the risk of an uprising.

Considering how little screentime Loretta had across the whole series it's incredible how important the character is.

Was Loretta the "her" he was referring to? I thought he was talking about Ava since he had just tried to kill Ava. Or he knew exactly how many bullets he didn't have left and was just trying to torture her, I don't even know anymore. And yes to the thing about the life sentences. This whole thing about needing to

Uh….show of hands, who here has a car newer than four years old? I'm driving a 2005 Focus.

The only possible series finale for this