
I like Leo most of the time, but I also don't think he's capable of not ACTING as hard as he can. I swear he was better at underplaying as a kid.

Oh yeah. Him and Samuel L Jackson were the far more interesting villains in that movie.

And she got to watch him die and stop him from finishing Raylan off without becoming a killer herself.

That is a really weird niche and I wish him all the luck in the word with it.

Well plenty of series finales actually do the flash forward to show their kids falling in love thing so it they had wanted to go that way…

Did it, though?

So the ones who never leave Harlan alive are…the carpetbagger villain, the corrupt Harlan cops, the dumbass gunslinger criminal who thinks he's Raylan, Raylan's white hat and the young girl with an actual future in Harlan who's still alive and isn't actually thinking of how to get away. For me, that's perfect.

What are you calling imbecilic? The broader concept of feminism, third wave feminism, or Whedon's specific version of it?

That was awesomely sneaky of them.

I love how often Duffy is just appalled at the way Raylan operates. "There are cops outside….You're a cop!" Shaming Art with "You're supposed to be the grown-up" is an enjoyable offshoot of that.

"He looked like a farmer: that stringy type with hollow cheeks, crow’s-feet, and had the accent to go with it, not Deep South but from somewhere below Ohio" That is…not how I would describe Timothy Olyphant.

You're not confident enough in what you are saying and feel the need to qualify it?

"Unofficially?….I'm a godamn American Jedi…possible title number three"

I feel like everything else I've seen him in have been bit parts playing dumbass redneck criminals. Which is just such a waste.

Scream 2?

"You'll never Leave Harlan alive….Neal McDonough's arm"

Yeah, it's hard not to pitch this without accidentally telling people its a police procedural when you wind up saying "It's about this angry, conflicted US Marshall…" which is only partly true anyway. I'm not sure how else to do it though. "It's about this horrible place and two men who grew up the same but became

I feel like while trying to not say 'said' I've used 'asserted' a lot. And I'm sure that is a word I have never spoken aloud. This is why I don't write fiction.

Yeah when she said they were going out to lunch I figured he would totally be the guy from that office who would hit on Megan the second she and Don were over which is tacky enough (and fucking stupid) but then he got way worse than my imagination.

I think her line right before that was "Do you think he drinks red wine?!" so she figured some girl spilled red wine all over Megan's pretty white carpet. I suppose countering that with "Well yeah, Don will drink anything" wouldn't really have disproved her point.