
But…it IS a wonder Megan doesn't have syphilis.

Bobbie was gorgeous too she just gets misremembered as this over the hill man-eater because that affair was a bit uglier than the rest. But I kinda loved her. It really helps that they did that episode with her in Peggy's house, telling her she needed to act like Don's equal if she wanted his respect and "No one will

I think the point was that a certain amount of pain and brokenness is a part of what attracted him to all of them in the first place.

I was gonna say, and she'll get off one decent punch and go back to being a burden. But I feel like we've pretty much moved on to the girl getting a decent fight…but only against another girl.

I know this is a long standing trope but The first thing that's coming to my head is WALL-E. Although that one was also playing with the MPDG thing and since they were robots we were attaching vague genders onto they could do both formulae.

Bringing Up Baby would certainly qualify. Holiday would as well. Cary Grant and Kate Hepburn played that dynamic a few times.

I'll counteract with I didn't hate Tree of Life…because I don't remember Tree of Life.

I feel like I've gotten way more out of people talking about what Haneke is trying to do in Funny Games than the film itself. In the actual experience of watching it I wasn't scared, I didn't feel shamed for liking violent movies, I was only a little nervous because I just found those guys really irritating and I

It's certainly a time capsule, but that doesn't mean those jokes won't play to those who weren't there. They'll just play differently. Tea isn't specific to now, certainly. Speaking from personal experience the coins are funny even if you didn't play those games and I laughed at "Scott earned the power of love!" but I

The glorification argument I don't see at all. If you only watched the trailer, sure. But not in the actual movie. It looks like they are having fun but it's also deeply uncomfortable to watch and makes it clear that all that fun is at the expense of other people. And not just because of all the money they're

I remember nothing about that movie other than Tom Hiddleston…

A movie I did not expect to love.

Well that hardly seems necessary.

The Master, I just don't get it….I know it's Hoffman's last "important" performance so I assume some of the critical love is because of that, and I do like PT Anderson sometimes but as far as I'm concerned the emperor is just naked.

Yay, I've never gotten one of those before!

"I'm gonna be totally honest with you, I forgot you were here"

Sleazy, and hilarious.

Yup, Arabic for student. Probably a misspelling too. Not that I speak it at all, it's just used a lot in one of my favorite books and I liked how the word looked when I was a student.

I love your name!

Yeah I was never totally sold on the Mr Chips part of the "Mr Chips turns into Scarface" thesis. Even in the first season he kills a guy in the third episode more or less with his bare hands, beats up a bunch of teenagers for making fun of his son, sets a guy's car on fire for cutting him off in traffic twice, and oh