
Hospitals and Insurance companies aren’t generally allies. While insurance companies would love cheaper care prices, they already don’t pay MSRP on stuff. It’s all negotiated, hence why it’s damn near impossible to find out what it’s actually going to cost to get treated under insurance.

Does no one read with any level of detail?

Aside from:

It would appear that the chain leading this is a non-profit consortium of hospitals.

If the end result is a greater good, who cares if it was driven by self interest and the bottom line? A win is a win.

It’s not that simple. Otherwise Democrats would have forced that through when they could have.

As awesome as it would be to have a single payer system, it wouldn’t be the magical fix for the cost of the drugs and other extremely high medical bills. These efforts to reduce drug costs would still be needed.

They won’t, big pharma keeps their lines tight, if they have to producing and ever increasing product line, they will start losing money. Honestly, this is a great way to reduce drug costs and health insurance prices. If this is hospital led, the chances are the will focus on the most effective treatment options in

Orf with ‘er head! Orf with ‘er head!

The whole point is everyone knew, but no one acted out of fear. The entire industry that prides itself on creating fables outlining morality and the like is actually a hypocritical and toxic wasteland.

The posters are stupid and who knows if she knew. But given her love of Polanski, I think it’s reasonable to assume if she did know she would have said nothing.

nah. I’m gay. I’m Latino. I’m Liberal. But cool try kid. Go pull that shame bullshit somewhere else if you’re not capable of having an adult discussion.

dismiss me then. Don’t read my stuff. Calling me a troll that does “harm to the community” because you’re too mentally weak to see dissenting opinions is one of the most ridiculous things I’ll read on the internet today. You admitted to trolling me, yet you’re asking for trolls to be banned. Interesting.

I can’t believe someone would say the “alt-right” are “the new punks”. They’re absolutely everything punks have always fought against.

Being a soulless asshole is a trait shared throughout all populations of the human animal.