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    You know, I used to think it was the conservatives that were burdened with the extreme fringes of, white supremists, rude obnoxious people that insulted President Obama, and every single thing he said and did. I foolishly saw the liberals as sophisticated, intelligent, people that were, for the most part, above catty

    I tend to agree with much if what she is saying. Many people see this as a money making endeavor. So suddenly 50 women jump on the bandwagon. To the ones with big names that are speaking up to remove this man from his position, I applaud. Better late than never, I guess. Still, in Hollywood as in any other industry,

    I tend to agree with that however I don’t think enough emphasis is put on exactly what kind of people owned the slaves... We are primarily talking about upper class plantation owners in the southern states.... the majority of white families were not even involved in the slave trade. I think this is what annoys me

    It is true that some religious sectors do not pledge alligence to the US flag. They are expected to stand and be respectful, and they do as far as I have seen. If we don’t teach children to be respectful, how will they learn? The US is not perfect, because it is filled with humans. But we should ALL be very grateful

    You know, I don’t see how you can write an article like the one you just did and not see the irony. You clearly hate the white race, all the while accusing the white race of being haters. I grew up in a poor neighborhood. Multicultural. There was descrimination, and abusive  treatment from some law officers. But it