
Last time I checked, the punishment for pointing a pipe at people wasn’t summary execution on the streets.

Third try: A Black man holding anything gives them permission to shoot and simply *say* they thought it was a gun. Do we really believe in 2018 when we know nearly every adolescent and adult is holding a phone cops really think everything in hand is a gun? They are flat out lying to avoid being charged. They take

I looked at stats for that once and being a cop has never been a particularly dangerous job even when they weren’t trigger happy. The problem has always been the sort of person that’s usually drawn to this profession-bullies.

At some point we’re going to need to make cops choose between valuing their own lives above anyone else’s, and getting paid hazard pay. The job isn’t actually dangerous if the default response is to kill anyone who looks remotely threatening, and so perhaps cops should be paid like private security guards.

If Hillary gets paid for speeches, she’s a greedy bitch. If she gets paid less, she’s a failure. If she goes away (to, say, walk in the woods) she’s ridiculed. If she writes a book. If she trips while on vacation. If she has pneumonia. If she wears makeup. If she doesn’t wear makeup. She’s the patron saint of Women

Obama: ordered the wrong kind of mustard that one time, amoral abomination.

Like this, for example:

“I’d like a small, token gesture of diversity, please.”

For some reason, one factor I have not seen being discussed as to why black voter turnout was down in 2016 elections is voter suppression and gerrymandering. Do folks not remember how black voters were basically being turned away from the polls that year?

Thoughts and prayers

fuck “class”. she’s trying to make real change in the industry. expecting women to be “classy” while they work hard at things is just another way of policing them.

That August, sitting on a beach in Connecticut with her parents, she made up her mind. “ ‘Guys, I think I’m going to start a blog,’ ” she told them. “ ‘It’s going to be about women and putting them and their narrative and their story at the forefront and giving them a voice and a platform and just really encouraging

Paul Ryan, a big boy who just stifled a tiny, little yawn, is insisting that he is not yet ready for bed, even

The Blind Assassin is my favorite, too. It is so rich and beautiful.

Paltrow & Jolie are from Hollywood families. If Blythe Danner’s daughter and John Voight’s daughter didn’t feel comfortable speaking up for fear of repercussions, what does that tell you about the level of power Harvey Weinstein had over the entertainment industry? I hope this illustrates for people how deep this

This is aimed at Trump’s alter-ego, Baron Trump, not the biological manifestation of his ego, Barron Trump.

Jane Fonda has literally done everything first and will still always be better at doing it than anyone after her because Jane Fonda is a living goddess.

“I’m sitting here with Jeffrey Dahmer, who, you might remember, murdered and ate numerous people. Now, Jeff, do you ever have days where you just want to put on some fuzzy slippers, eat a pint of Früsen Gladgė, and watch old reruns of Let’s Make A Deal? Because when I get the Blahs, that’s what I do. What do you do to

i, too, hate it when i accidentally do a public racism.