
I remember as a kid learning that Smurfs are 3 apples tall and being really creeped out. When I imagined them like 1 plum tall, they were cute, and then 3 apples tall was when I said “ight I’mma head out.”

OK boomer.

You are doing the Lord’s work here.

The GOP literally relies on the fact that most Christians, much less reactionary Baptists, haven’t even bothered to study what is actually written in the bible. The entire forced-birth movement of the GOP is a 20th century political inspiration relying on the illiterate, misogynistic reptiles who are members of a

Ooh wee... someone set the ball on the tee.

Democrats winning doesn’t help her if it doesn’t maintain the status quo from which she benefits.

I don’t know what the truth is with Chris Hardwick, but reminder out there that someone can mistreat one person without mistreating others.

All these straight white men with their hard-ons for disruption can go eat a bag of dicks. 

I’m not sure if we will ever get out of single digits.

Of course she did this with a police officer escorting her, so that the odds she’d be confronted by someone who was outraged enough by her asshole behavior, and might actually “Try and take it”, were next to zero.

As 1984 says, Truth is lies, and war is peace

Not to mention she’s conveniently changing the traditional conservative narrative of the KSU shooting to fit her personal agenda.

at this point in my life, the thing I love most about this, and i love Keanu and I’m psyched that Winona has a romantic lead, is that Winona is only 7 years younger than Keanu and not 20.

Nice to see them in their second romcom together. Dracula was a romcom right?

I generally hate romcoms because they are so often beige and involve crises of stupidity where everyone acts like utter morons who forget how to ask and answer a straightforward question.

Ah, yes. North America, that noted historical “homeland” of white people...