
All Fox had to do to end up with a bunch of perverts is hire conservative men in all positions of authority. What is a conservative but one who longs for the return to the values of the past? But, what was really going on in the past besides women and people of color being abused and disenfranchised at the whim of men

Reading comprehension is important.

OMFG - maybe it was a lazy choice for HER?? I honestly don’t see the issue with her comments at all. Seriously. Does anyone actually read this and think that she talks about ALL the c sections ever done? Because to me it reads pretty clearly as a personal experience. And why not?

The laziest thing SHE has ever done.

My theory - to keep Daddy in a semi-turgid state so he can show everyone in the room who’s the boss.

For me it was Fiona, Tori Amos, and Sarah Maclachlan. Oh, and a Madonna cassette tape with an insert that smelled like patchouli.

No. Just because some people find breasts attractive, that is not what they are for. Women grow breasts in order to feed children. That we as a society have sexualized a body part doesn’t change why it exists. No woman chooses to grow boobs, it just happens. You’re saying that the symptom defines the purpose. This

Celebrities are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. If they don’t speak out they are not “using their platform”. If they do speak out, they will definitely make a mistake (because they’re human) and people tell them they are out of touch and to stfu. Suddenly they are cancelled because of how “problematic”

This is so transparent it’s not even funny. Here are the reasons they (Trump) are reconsidering Tubman’s addition:

Famous Rebas: Amy Schumer. Lena Dunham. Jezebel readers.

“God’s got this.”

I’m sorry; I can’t get on board. The original Heathers was perfect. No one asked for this bullshit.

Put out a mediocre song, apparently.

I will never forget Paltrow pimping $1,000 pussy steamers.

Of course not. They don’t see themselves as “working class” but as “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” who fully expect all that wealth to trickle down.

Well of course it will be great in 2118. The Jetsons are white.

And let’s not forget putting Jeff Fucking Sessions in charge of Justice.

Doug Stamper Hope Hicks knows where the bodies are buried because she buried some herself.

The GOP’s party apparatus just gave in and admitted what it’s been trying to deny for decades; they are the party of the Aggrieved White.

ME: tolerance and peace is the best way to go through life. we shouldn’t infringe on somebody who’s just doing what they want
ALSO ME: we should destroy every teen