
I love how the it says It didn’t work on the Mustang II yet it sold very well and how could you write about the Mustang II and not mention the Gas Crisis, that is the whole reason why the Muscle car era ended!

Never been a fan of these, I just don’t get the appeal.

I didn’t mind beyond, that was silly but no worse then some of the TNG solutions to things (IE Best of Both worlds, hacking Locutus of Borg to put the borg Cube to sleep)

Yes please. Into Darkness was beyond horrid, it was so badly written from beginning to end.

Was that the hideous upright truck/suv based Bel Air? That car was horrible in every way.

OMG Even being an ‘80s kid I had no idea these existed!

I am a little amused by the random unlicensed cars

Weird I always liked that one It amused me that it was almost identical to the 1993 Ford Mustang Cobra spoiler

That is hot

Oh how I lothe luggage rack!!

My car guy buddies called that spoiler “The Skate board” its so silly looking 

How did they not have the budget at the time? The late 90s early 00s they were awash with money from the 1st SUV bubble.

My “95 Cobra is a little worse for wear but not a mess as OP stated. 

I have been thinking the same thing. 

Even with all the hate the mustang II gets I would own one in a heartbeat over the hidious 2nd jen massive boat camaros of the same era. Sorry I just lothe those 2nd gens.

awesome thanks for posting. I am taking my wife this weekend. She is not a car person so I was wondering how it was going to be for non car folk

it always amused me how long that truck bodystyle went on almost completely unchanged. The jump from 93-94 was staggering. I remember a local dodge lot when the 94s came out with some 93s still left and it was quite an amusing sight.

Ok JJ Abrams lol

I remember seeing this car out at the street races when it was in its prechop days of the early 00s. super cool sorry for the necro post

OMG HOW DID I MISS THIS! I know this car! I rememeber seeing it at the street races before the chop top back in the early 00s. super cool dude happy to see he still have it. Its nice to see NM in jalopnik.