
Simple...he laughs, and uses echolocation to find prey...you know, like a bat....with spikes......

2017-The Year Reality Became a Tom Clancy Wet Dream

All I can think of is HYPNO TOAD but in bear disguise.


Damn you for making me chuckle....

Is this real life, or is there a glitch in the Matrix?

Sorry...I am 6 foot 6 inches with a fat ass. I NEED to stand up, regardless of seating position or how stupid I look.

For those that cant see the dialogue..

I mean, I have read Thor off and on since the 80's, and know who Volstag is, but a) never thought about dressing as him and b) never thought he would have a cool name like War Thor


I DARE Marvel to do a series on their “2099" comics from the 90's! (i.e. Spider Man 2099; Punisher 2099; Thor 2099; Ghost Rider 2099)....Or Deaths Head.

Definite MMA MILF

Something about this picture makes me think the cardinal in the back are there SOLELY to prevent anyone from catching fire.

I mean, her armor is cool, but “best villain you love to hate” is like saying “The new Star Wars Trilogies is the best Star Wars trilogy yet...” Not enough info yet.

Oh, no, I understand the German military used them in concentration camps; I had thought they were not used in actual battle or tactical situations. My apologies if I sounded like a denier.

I had thought the German army didnt use them at ALL...intersting to hear that there is one documented case. I will need to read up on it.

I will say, I feel bad for Spicer because I have made the same type of mistake: I say something, I have an example to prove my point that is unscripted from what I have, I make the statement. Then, the little logical part of my brain explodes in agony as I realize I said something DUMB, then get caught out on it and

“Many Bothans died in an Amazon Space Prime warehouse to get you this item”

I am willing to bet less “Bang Bang” action and more “Hackey Cyber” action, with undertones of “Authority sucks”

Give me a Destro in Iron Grenadier leader garb, and we will talk.....