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    Thank you all for showing me how many effed up and blood thirsty Americans there are.

    @Canoehead: you haven't met too many military have you? Do you know how many people over there were downloading illegal stuff?! You should go ahead and say most of the military are bad people!

    @Canoehead: but remember in this situation it was many people who got the car from ONE person.

    @Canoehead: First you speak as if he join the Army and never did anything. Why attack him personally? Why not just address his actions. I seriously doubt his taste in music would have any bearing on judicial proceedings.

    @Raziel66: They should come down equally as hard on all foreign/domestic media that published it as well. But they won't... it doesn't serve their interests.

    @Canoehead: "FC Manning would be waiting to hang from the neck until dead and Assange would have had his skull split by a .50 BMG round by now."

    @jepzilla: how can they be considered reliable when they still fall under our government (therefor open to corruption and influence of power as well.)

    @Clashwerk: Thank you! So many people seem to miss the fact that if wikileaks should be held accountable, so should so many other people!

    @jepzilla: the biggest problem is that people (in general and in power) are easily corrupted. Because of this you're left with two choices for those in power:

    @Ricorich196: hahahahahah that episode was great!

    @T2k: I'm curious as to what this site is gonna be? Since it's Registrant is Russian though, I have no clue.

    Domain name: SAYHITOSPACE.COM

    @QLAB: in case it was missed, my comment was 100% sarcasm.

    @DWD: Yeah cause that whole due process thing is such a pain in the ass! It just slows down progress! Lets just shoot everyone who is or is possible guilty before the trials so we can save time and money!

    It's honest but over-simplifying it.

    @Go Vols!: what is this damage other than to the image of politicians? Can you cite any instances of violence against diplomats or politicians or anyone caused by this information or the previously release?

    @CaptainJack: do you really believe though that if these documents were not put out we would be any safer in the long run? sure we may have an extra week before Iran flips out but who knows? What about the stuff concerning diplomats collecting DNA samples and retina scans? There's a lot more information to come so

    @jepzilla: the answer is 7. now can I get a monocle with that hat?