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    This stuff is good for our country despite what the people in charge might say.

    @T2k: Please pardon my typos/grammar errors...

    I'm a big fan of originality in instruments and music however this is just crossing the line.

    It's really disturbing that they're just completely skipping the legal process. Are they not supposed to notify, THEN shut down?

    What business does the DHS have with copyright infringement? I'm not saying there should be no legal action, but this seems to have nothing to do with DHS. Shouldn't they be worried about refining the "security" issues they have with TSA?

    @Korrupt: what if not flying isn't an option? What about those that have a job that requires them to fly?

    @Korrupt: what if not flying isn't an option? What if your job requires it?

    @Morlay: when writing to congressmen and senators and taking the proper complaint procedures does nothing... what are we left with?

    Remember this is coming from TSA's "Blogger Bob"

    Thank you for this! I'm so tired of watching videos with the vertical iPhone orientation. It's to the point where I just don't watch it if it's like that.

    @AqueousBeef: My sentiments exactly. While I can sympathize a bit, it's ultimately their choice.

    I've heard some rumors of a conflict of interest connect between Rapiscan and TSA/Homeland Security... anybody know any sources to validate this?

    This is an well written article and I would really like TSA to make an official response to this whole thing!

    Since these controversial policies of TSA's aren't implemented internationally and only domestically we're only offering "security" from those that are already in the US, correct?

    After hearing so many stories about shitty cops it really is nice to hear something positive.


    @lankysob: omg i love you for this.

    I just can't consider it exceptional to make money off of ads on any platform. I'm just too tired of ads and it seems they are increasing exponentially every day.