
You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

Pff just join us megaman fans, no worries of having to change series ever again.

So whack. Hey Cecilia it seems like you enjoy writing articles want to start doing my kid’s homework?

AOE and To The Moon were robbed.

Video games in general.

Just feels like Corpse Run is trying to bandwagon on the topic without really being correct on the topic.

I don’t know why you seem to think that wandering around aimlessly is playing the game “legit”. The game launched with a tracker. Being able to actively hunt down pokemon is core gameplay. You may be content doing basically nothing but that doesn’t make your play style any more legit than people who actually like to

You mean like... The TV show... That already exists.

No you stop this right now and give us LiS Season 2

I really feel like Batman’s origin is a criminally underused story. I mean, we’ve never seen it in a movie or game before. He just appears, fully developed, as if sprung from the forehead of Zeus.

would have been cool to see some dragon ball z thrown in there, maybe some mario, but if you go too far into the unrealistic, you turn your movie into pixels... nobody needs another pixels.

I assumed this was Dunkey before even clicking the video, and my assumption was correct.

Yes. Only this video is funny.

I read it as “Project Caucus” at first. With that image of the guy with the gun I thought “wow voting is getting really intense”.

At first glance I read that image as “Project Caucasians”. I was so upset for a split second, lol.

all the Donald Trump supporters that Fox News has been arming with misinformed, racist, misogynist ideas for years.

This. Not only am I pissed at Trump for that very reason, I also feel rather... dirty for having tiny warm feelings about FOX. Can’t we go back to the good old days when FOX was bad and Trump was firing people on a stupid reality show?

The enemy of my enemy and all that.

Can you zoom in on that

I’m not sure if you understand how stealing works. Asking people to give you money in return for a very clearly defined product with an equally clearly defined limited life cycle is not, by any possible defitition of the word, stealing.