
Rebooting something that failed makes more sense than rebooting something that was already perfect.

People are saying that Turner D. Century is the linchpin of the Spider-Verse and a film featuring him is a masterpiece in waiting. Go for it Sony, these not Spider-Man movies couldn’t get any worse...

Get yourself a reusable filter/pod for the Keurig. That way, you can just fill it up with whatever premium coffee your heart desires, dump out the grounds after brewing, and reuse it forever. You can get one for less than $10. (We even have one in the shared work kitchen that hasn’t gone missing or broken [yet] after

Don Lemon is not Walter Cronkite or even a particularly good person, but it sure sounds like he committed the cardinal sin of actually doing the job of a journalist and that kind of thing would NEVER be welcome in Elon’s world.

Musk: I support free speech

She’s obviously mentally ill.

#2 solves #1. It doesn’t matter how many guns the fascists have, as long as they don’t control the military, they’ll be dead before they even know the drone is there.

Johnny’s not gonna fuck you bro

Come on Depp apologists, come on and make your comments. You’re totally not just misogynists, you’re fighting for a valiant cause, like a knight in the crusades or a WW2 fighter pilot.

I didn’t realize at first that “soo” was part of his last name and thought the article title was emphasizing just how convicted he was

>builds vehicle that appeals solely to attention-starved narcissists

These posts are consistently the freshest part of the rotting corpse that is this site. Frankly, they should be paying you at least as much as they pay the writers.

Does this mean there’s finally a market for my warehouse full of Pol Pot shirts?

Just when I thought we were all ready to admit that the first film wasn’t good, they go and make a new reason for people to champion it.


Austin St. John looked at Steven Seagal and said, “wow, I could really be him”.

Shit I like this Anita Dunn now

The Soviets went from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy in a couple of decades and then won the space race.

I’m hearing good things about this Pol Pot guy.

It’s early yet, but I alreadyt say best news of the week.