
I am a hard rock - metal -extreme metal - classical music (!) guy. But I can enjoy other genres here and there. Caroline Polachek’s DIWTTIY is a masterpiece of indie pop or whatever it is called. She’s the complete package of an artist. 

For me it is their weakest since St Anger. All songs are rather similar. Hardwired was much better IMO. Of course nothing even close to the toe of the three monsters of the 80's (RTL, MOP, AJFA). 

This is the worst list so far. Not only are slideshows becoming unwatchable on these websites (every slide prompts a huge add that takes a second or two to recede), but the list makes zero sense, either as a collection of Frankenstein-inspired works or, as anything really.

You were the one that threatened someone else with violence FOR A COMMENT ABOUT TIM ALLEN ON AN INTERNET FORUM. The top time waster honor goes to you. 

Ok Ok let me help you: ha ha ha. You’re very funny and also brilliant

Your attempts at sarcasm, irony, humor in general, fail miserably, but it’s not your fault. Your environment made you what you are. And absolutely nobody who isn’t on meth while reading your comments can think of you as anything but extremely white.

1. Kudos for acknowledging what your words had already proved to a 100% degree of certainty. 2. Change the theme a bit. All of your kind jumps to calling opponents children-fucker after 2 or 3 replies. Man you got it in you to be original. Accuse us of being, I don’t know, corpses fuckers or something. Try to be

Yeah man, such a great riff machine, sadly with a heavily distorted and hateful brain behind it. 

Here come the caps. Also, the implication that he’s brilliant (by dismissing the ‘opponent’) with literally no evidence of that being true.

With all due respect, Mr. Dangerous, Not-Coward, Hero of Murica, I hope I live long enough to go see the awesome tombstone you’d have if you really went and did all that:


Iced Earth? 

The reality we have to accept asap is that entities like you exist, and that your kind cannot be fixed, as you and your kind carry hate from your toddler years. Sadly we cannot put you all together in one place where you would end up killing each other and eradicate your kind in 20 minutes, because there’s nothing

The gun problem in ‘Murica, explained. 

I’m glad you live full of paranoia and fear and anger and probably alone, only with similar trash friends who probably would shoot you over a can of beer. I am glad garbage like you is miserable. The only sad thing is that there are too many of you (1 is already too many) and you all own multiple penis-enlargement

While your view is a little exaggerated I’d say, on Boyz N the Hood I also think it is overrated, though in my view, slightly. Basically, there’s too much on-screen literal preaching, like literally delivering the message not just with images but with actors actually delivering sermons to the audience. But I think

Almost full agreement, but I would’ve added Road to Perdition to top 20 and Casino to top 5, which for me would be:

I only buy BR when two options are available. There is a noticeable difference in visual quality in most times. But I can hear your point. In the end the content, the work itself, is the same.

I haven’t watched most of these, and I have watched many not mentioned here. I only wanted to say that The Last of US’ third episode (I think it is the one mentioned in the slide) is the best episode of anything this year, period.

Somebody (talking about any aspect of life): “let’s try to... save lives?”