Taunt the world with HL3 and never release it >:)
Taunt the world with HL3 and never release it >:)
Well, I'm totally not reading what you said on here, then ^^; No spoilers :P
Truthie's gonna write about WataMote? Awesome ^^ I look forward to it, sir.
You know, in a non-condescending way, I like to praise worthy opponents. I mean, if they did something cool, and utterly wiped the floor with me, I have to give credit, you know? There's nothing better than having an honorable and worthy opponent in a match ^^
It's funny because that's exactly what I thought while looking through my private feed :P The first half of your comment got cut off.
The best techniques are passed on by the survivors~
Actually, the posting editor counts the amount of characters, and once you pass the limit, red numbers will pop up ^^
DAMN IT ASTRO! Can not unsee this now! >.<
Haha, yea, I know that feel. I used to hate the "Secret" levels in Mario Sunshine because of that :I So much repetition, so much frustration >.<
I sorta have the same attitude sometimes. There's the first "Alright, what the hell do I have to do?" part, and then there's the second "alright, let's do thiiiiis!" trial once you know what to do ^^ And well, I could argue that difficulty and brutality is part of what makes those respective games "fun" :P I love me a…
Aye! It's all about proper trig- power button discipline ^^
I have too, UI-kun . . . I have too . . . *looks at bloody knees and scraped elbows, then sighs*
Which is lame, because Necropsy is a much cooler word >:I We humans suck.
UI, you disappoint me. The pressure provided by pressing the action button twice provides all the kinetic energy necessary to gain a second jump. This is simple Game Physics 101, GOSH :P
No problem man, just trying to help out ^^
That's a good question :I I promoted your comment either way, though. To see if it gets picked up.