Or telecommunications engineering :I My father's one of those, and I'm afraid I didn't inherit any of that. Meaning, it all seems like magic to me xD
Or telecommunications engineering :I My father's one of those, and I'm afraid I didn't inherit any of that. Meaning, it all seems like magic to me xD
I know right? I just, I can't :I It's awkward for me. Besides, I'm better with a controller anyways, so why bother, right?
Sorta. That, and I can't use a mouse to save my life :I And I'm too lazy to look for my 360 controller xD
Do what? :O Want Dark Souls? Or . . ?
Ok :O I'll keep that in mind. And well, I probably would've fussed over the weapons anyways :3
I'll definitely be getting the game now ^^ I'll make sure to sit down this weekend and give it a good run. I should probably get prepped by reading stuff about it prior, huh? And well, if the co-op works, then of course! We should totally co-op ^^
Heh, not me. I've always sorta wanted to keep my comp dedicated to work, and my consoles for play ^^;
That whole "Your opponents praise your skill" is something I've always liked. I always appreciate a good kill, whether I was the one to dish it out, or be the one to receive it ^^ I wish more games had people like that.
Mwuahahahaha xD That sounds amazing >:) I'm definitely considering just caving in and getting it tonight. But, I have stuff to do >.> Damn it. It's looking to be like, the perfect warrior's game so far ^^ I hope I won't be disappointed.
Well, if it's meant to be a solitary game, then don't boast of its MP :P You got my hopes up for nothing, sheesh. But eh, I prefer to go solo anyways, so it just adds to the value of gameplay for me ^^
Can't we co-op on the PS3 or something? Maybe we could get Ner in on this too . . . N-not that it matters anyway! I mean, Chero-kun got the game recently, right?
I dunno, Hab. I live for the kill, so most of this stuff is just instinctive. Besides, you've yet to meet me in battle in RDR, so we have no way of even knowing how anything might go :P
Well, I can't get it for my Mac, so PS3's the only way ^^; But yea. I'll probably stop by my local game shop this Thursday and give it a nice go ^^ I don't think they had Demon Souls, though, and I figured I may as well get DkS instead, for the sake of having background for DkSII.
Haha, I definitely want to play the shit out of it ^^ But I'll end up getting it for the PS3, since it's not available for Mac :I
Hab, it's decided . . . I'm picking this game up, NAO >.> All your raving about it finally paid off. And, well, I guess I may as well forget about Deus Ex in its entirety now xD
Ooh! I just found out that it's F2p, so I can totally join in this time! ^^ Although I haven't the slightest clue of what to do :I
Cimeas nailed it. TAY has always been a good site to throw them out randomly. It can still be used that way, and we could definitely set up a dedicated post for people to gather and collectively share/trade them.