T-rex has tiny arms

I started to read, and then realized that this is not directed at people who live in northern Canada where it is well below -20C (-4 F) for 6-8 months a year.

I was watching Fresh Off the Boat a few days ago and the dad had to have "the talk" with the son. The dad comes into the kitchen all happy that he handled it and the moms goes, "did you tell him not to date rape?" And the dad just stood there for a second and then went back. Later the mom came in the son's room and

My guess would be entitlement mixed in with no consequences for previous behavior. Given this guys position, I am sure he has plenty of the former and perhaps a bit of the later.

As usual, the takeaway is that Jezebel badly needs a science writer, even if it's more profitable to politicize studies than to understand them.

The thing is Northern Ireland already has really restrictive abortion laws. These are probably women who have had to make a really hard decision, I mean if they are getting an abortion it's because their actual life was somehow endangered and these people are just fucking gross.

I would tell them I'm about to start practicing 160th trimester abortions if they didn't get the fuck out of my face. Or just take the dolls, pull their heads off, and mic drop them while staring protesters in the eye. My tolerance for this sort of behavior is becoming alarmingly low.

At 18, I would have been like "FUCK YOU!" and run off crying eating cheetos.

It's all right when it's all-white.

Something tells me that is NOT the first time she's done that..... wink wink

This weekend, my partner suggested that he might like to have a "Parisian Carnival" themed wedding, prompting me to hurl myself through a double-pane window. I am currently in critical condition. (He also wants a harpist who will play Lady Gaga.)

You know you haven't schemed well when your plan B ends up being telling the cops you threw a newborn baby in a dumpster.

I was once in a deli sandwich line behind a very nice Midwestern couple who got up to the front and the woman gasped "Buffalo chicken? What IS that?" This was like 2007 so it wasn't exactly a new concept. The woman behind the counter did her best to explain the seasoning in it, but the woman just kept muttering

They've been reading this, I'm guessing.

And then the Gap is selling "girlfriend" jeans now, but I seriously doubt they mean to imply that you borrowed them from your girlfriend. I'm alright with buying my own jeans, sans fictional narrative.

They should be paying HER. She's been providing some extremely entertaining material recently!

Also, according to some media sources, when the Imam told women to step back, hundreds of them went and carried her coffin, and led the funeral prayer themselves.

Fuck, this is so heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking every fucking time it happens. Leaving this here if anyone needs it:

Keep all the fats!

Good God, how sad. Obviously a creative kid with a sense of humor. My thoughts to his loved ones.