
Yeah she was totally worth it. Good choice.

in 2006? 4 years ago? This man's life was ruined thanks to crappy justice "evidence".

@Yeah!: Emulators, games...etc

Yeah I withdraw my comment... He 100% did it just so it wouldn't show up on his bank accounts which his family can easily detect...

But hey, I can't expect any different from a person who defends Israel, a country which bombed Egyptian Elementary schools to demoralize the country and stop them from fighting back to regain the land Israel conquered in 1967. Right.

@SeraphX2: Wow you mentioned muslims 7 times in your historically inaccurate rant. I'm a muslim, and I am proud of my peaceful religion, and my education for all that matters.

This confirms it: Billionaires are cheap people. I can't believe he used the company money to pay for their dates and what not.

@Guizzy: There's no multitasking. Try it. I have an E65, when I leave an app in the background, it pauses.

@SeraphX2: And hey, so, in order fo Terrorism to be terrorism, it needs to be preceded by anti-military attacks? Is that it? Well guess what, 9/11 wasn't their first attack.

@SeraphX2: No buddy. AlQaeda didn't "suddenly" realize "hey, there's an America! We hate it! Let's kill it!" in 2001. If you know anything about AlQaeda, you'd know that the Palestinian genocides were what drove them to do what they did.

@Toastie: If in your definition of "war", civilians are intentionally targeted in order to influence a political decision.

It sounds -from the justifications in this thread- that 9/11 would have been justified if the attack was large enough to stop the US support of a 50-year old Palestinian genocide.


This happened the day the US concluded that intentionally targeting civilians in a massive demoralizing attack (and inducing cancer in generations to come) in order to pressure a foreign government into a political decision is NOT terrorism, if:

@pixelhaus76: You're talking about the E- and N-series.

@satyrica: Light causes eye cancer? That's like saying "Hey people, I.Am.Stupid."

Google: "Hey Symbian, Dumbphones don't count."

According to many Americans: Intentionally targeting civilians in a mass demoralizing attack (Annihilating 2ook people and inducing cancer in generations to follow) in order to pressure a government into a political decision is not Terrorism if:

I don't like how once you view the Notifications, the number of new notifications disappears, even though you may not have viewed them all individually.