
It's astonishing how a simple thing like NOT INCLUDE A DEDICATED GRAPHICS CARD could make me disregard this altogether.

I think it will serve its purpose i.e. Giving current BB users a decent upgrade option to another BB device, instead of an Android.

@davidray: Nice, nice. So, if 1) Al Qaeda declared war on the US (which they did) 2) And if they have a just goal (e.g. stop the US support for a genocide) 3) And if their attack is actually massive enough to realize this goal, then: Attacking civilians and inflicting as much devastating and demoralizing casualities

WP7 era shall begin soon in the UAE then, I presume.

@darkfact001: Oh, right. I forgot that in the US there are no laws that allow the government to snoop on your SMS and internet activity at will, and use that activity against you in court.

@davidray: So, you are saying that the cause justifies the means, correct? That if an intentional anti-civilian attack in order to pressure a government into a political decision is devastating enough to realize its "just" goal, then it becomes justifiable and no longer a "terrorist attack", true?

@Pattypie: Dude. Seriously, you need to build a few units enough to fend off a rush attack. You remind me of how I used to play Generals at first....

@jok: So, what you are saying is that massive demoralizing attacks against civilians in order to pressure foreign governments into political decisions are not terror attacks, but just "tragedies"?

@Redwraithvienna: Ok, so as long as a city has military facilities in it (yeah, that's MANY cities), incinerating all of its civilians in war becomes a legitimate cause, true? Is that what you're saying?

@Daniel Bell: Oh, Pearl Harbor. So 200,000 civilian deaths and generations of cancer in a purely civilian target was a totally justifiable response to a Japanese attack on a military target (yep, Pearl Harbor was a military target). That's very interesting. So if the US bombs a military Al-Qaeda camp, they can respond

Looks very cheesy, and "his mission to save lives" material seems to be more suited for any channel other than Discovery channel.

@Rock517: Oh. Thanks for letting me know. So if Al-Qaeda said, "We are launching a war against the US" (which they did) before 9/11, it wouldn't be terrorism to intentionally target civilians to pressure a government into a political decision?

Hmmm... Intentionally targeting hundreds of thousands of foreign civilians in a mass-effect explosion meant to pressure their government into a political decision. Sounds like TERRORISM to me. Yep, the nuclear detonations in Heroshima and Nagazaki were the biggest acts of terror to date.