
@Tim0Tim: WOW, you still haven't answered my question.

@Tim0Tim: You just confirmed my reason for underwhelming.

I sure hope this is what Engadget meant with the new PSP phone leak. I can't believe they mean business with an old Snapdragon.

I am incredibly underwhelmed. The "Xbox" name on this crap is extremely misleading.

They must be really pissed off at the birds....

Torrents? Sh*t my grandmother is in trouble...

Google TV is the a must have for me.

Oh my God. I mean, what kind of training did these animals receive? How do they think they're allowed to do that???? But hey, I'd love to have that happen to me, and walk away with $17,500.

@PapaBear434: Agreed. I never liked Marcus, and think it was a poor marketing decision by SEC, in a series of poor marketing decisions by SEC.

I don't like Marcus. I don't think he has appeal.

@pexy: How can it recognize "Send text to Claire King." if you Brits don't pronounce the last syllables of most your words?

It's mighty impressive... Thing is, when I use the phone for web browsing, I'm usually at work, on the bus, in a restaurant/cafeteria or on the street; and you can't really speak to your phone during those occasions.

@Paper-Cut: Not if it's the second generation Snapdragon i.e. Dual-core 1.2 Ghz with a dedicated GPU a.k.a. Scorpion.

@Vanarie: Believe me, hacking is a lot less prevalent than you think. Most people who buy this stuff refer to facebook as "the internets".

Epic photoshop fail. So you can't at least NOT use an HTC theme?

@rigidjunkie: You do know that Dubai's GDP comes mainly from tourism and trade, with oil being less than 2% of the GDP.

@pauljones: "Geopolitically unstable region torn with constant violence"? Are you talking about the Midwest, or Dubai? Because, you know, Dubai crime is almost non-existent.... Hell, in cities closer to the "mid east" like Cairo, crime rate is so low it's incomparable to American cities where there's an unofficial

@KineticRocketFireBalls: Sorry, but a person who's only crime is that he left his cubicle without locking his pc for a second shouldn't = Ruin his life.